General Raleigh Conversation

Midtown Exchange getting a Life Time residential tower and gym. :thinking:


I know the state Farmer’s Market is right there, but, as a way to highlight different neighborhoods, I would love if downtown had smaller pop-up farmers markets in the Spring and Summer, and not just on Fayetteville St, but move around. Has anything like that happened before? Some examples:

I went to the Ballard Farmers Market in Seattle, and it pulled people from all over the city, who then went to all of the surrounding shops and restaurants.

Similarly, Atlanta has small market pop-ups at different MARTA stations in the Spring. Those are done more to give access to local neighborhoods, but we can take inspiration from them.


They could just not put in elevators and make everyone run up and down the stairs, instead of putting in the gym.

Would love this too. Fayetteville St obviously a great location for it. But would be cool for a farmers market to pop up time to time in Glenwood South & other parts of downtown. As a resident of Glenwood South I’d absolutely shop a farmers market in my neighborhood.


There’s a Moore Square market and an irregular ‘Night’ Market in the streets around City Market…
That Ballard Market is pretty sweet…


I think that the best opportunity for a pop-up farmers’ market is along one of the E/W cross streets at Glenwood. They tend to be flatter than Glenwood itself.
Tucker between Boylan and Glenwood (including those surface lots on the corner of Tucker and Boylan) is a particularly intriguing option to me. That seems to be the least disruptive location to close a street for a day or a weekend. The east dead end of Lane is also interesting if access to the 222 garage can be solved. I’m not sure if that garage needs both of its entrances to fully function for residents and businesses.