General Retail/Restaurant News

The property is zoned for two 20-story towers so probably the developer is looking to make all retailers short terms until that project goes through—which given the market for housing and office will probably be many years.


I was wondering about that because I seem to remember that building being on our “likely chopping block” soon.

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Bizjournals just put out an article about this. Sounds like Plates will reopen in a different location.


i really hope they add some obstacles. those holes look pretty boring by putt putt standards


Kinda what I was thinking LMAO. Like where the hell is the fun in this course?? LOOKS beautiful, but a couple bumps on a green here and there definitely doesn’t make it seem interesting or fun to play…


How do they expect anyone to get excited about a course that lacks a windmill and an exotic animal or two!!


Come on guys they expect players to be drunk, so the holes have to be easy. :joy:


We’ll all keep that in mind.

I wish they’d interviewed more than one restaurateur but here’s an article about the restaurant biz in DTR.

Almost all those restaurants have been replaced however:

  • Clouds Brewing will been replaced by La Mala (La Santa sister restaurant)
  • Union Special Bread has been replaced by Bistro 401
  • BB’s Crispy Chicken - too early to see what will happen and not even close to downtown.
  • Gonza Tacos & Tequila has been replaced by another taco shop, Lobera. Not in downtown.
  • Plates Neighborhood Kitchen. -too early to see what happens but the property is expected to be redeveloped.
  • Oak City Meatball. --technically next door but a noodle shop.
  • Cheeni - Not even in downtown…so

However, many Raleigh residents are seeing their options drop as several restaurants in Raleigh have closed their doors in 2024.

WRAL back at it with the sensationalist bullsh!t. Saying that options are “dropping” while not acknowledging the number of new restaurant OPENINGS far exceed the 7 (lol) that have closed is just lazy disinformation.


“Look at Plates, an amazing location with great food. They are closing as that section of Glenwood has turned into dance club alley,” he said. “High-end customers now avoid that area.”

Lmao what a crock. Explain to me why other higher-end restaurants on Glenwood are still kicking it? WRAL does zero research and just lets people say whatever the hell is on the top of their minds. We all know damn well they’re likely closing because the plot was rezoned and the owner is most likely not extending long leases anymore, and they probably want to move to a spot where they’re guaranteed another 10 years minimum. Good lord, the state of journalism in this town is abysmal…


Ok just finished the article. This is complete fluff, zero substance. They list some basic statistics of COVID-era challenges, and current inflation… but aside from that it’s literally all just one random failed restaurant owner’s opinions and off-the-cuff thoughts. This article can be completely ignored, as it offers no actual valuable information.


Exactly. They want to have a story, any story, so they just take whatever quotes they can muster and try to make it into a general trend.


I don’t think of “high-end” customers and “Plates” together. It certainly isn’t budget dining, but it’s a far cry from Second Empire or Brewery Bhavana.

It’s business churn and as @Francisco summarized, mostly different reasons and often replacements come in.

Also consider a privately owned business like Plates (as an example) managing the burden of food and employment cost increases and probably not planning in advance for a big rent increase that could easily be the nail in the coffin. I think it would be odd that the landlord would price them out due to impending construction but allow the bland bar that took over NY Bagels to set up shop. Sure, the bar concept could easily just vacate on a moments notice, but so could Plates if all other aspects of the business were in order.

Either way, sad for some of these. Others I won’t necessarily miss but sad nonetheless.


Yes, that is exactly what is missing from the article. The number that should perhaps be mentioned in such an article is do we have an overall net gain, a net loss in restaurants, or is it flat? As mentioned many times on this site, WRAL rarely has a balanced, well-informed view. It is has become increasingly difficult to hard to find objective journalism without an obvious, intentional slant. Just report well-researched facts with some critical thinking skills in the mix and you may have a semblance of a true story.


This might sound weird, but I always thought that Plates was a terrible name. It never made me want to go there (though I did eat there a few times).


Would you have gone more if they were named Dishes instead?


A new collective online called “DTR Independent Shops” has formed and this week is being called “DTR Retail Week”, where participating shops will have sales, giveaways, etc.
facebook & Insta: @ DTRIndependentShops


Union Station Deli & Catering, a New York deli-style eatery, to open at Raleigh Union Station.