General Retail/Restaurant News

RockyTop…back in DTR…this should be well received in this area !


I’m kind of speechless at the sheer incompetence on display here: N&O provided this picture showing “an aerial view” of Union Station that highlights the wrong building.

I know that is the location of the former “Union Station”, but they included the correct address later in the story. I honestly don’t know how you make that mistake, spend the time making the image, then slip it past editing.


lol it is intern season. Just a guess.

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WRAL caters to old people.

My guess was that it got farmed out to a graphics person in another McClatchy market. Still, you’ve got to comb through a lot of Google hits before you even start getting to info on the former Union Station. And any second, local set of eyes should have noticed immediately.

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The state of local journalism:

I Tweeted@them to give them a heads up. Wonder if they’ll actually fix it. That was the Raleigh Union Station starting 1890. Just a little bit off.



I wouldn’t read too much into an area code. Lots of folks just take their phone numbers with them when they move. I’ve lived back in Raleigh for over 16 years and still have an 804 number.


You’re right, she’s Raleigh based…
Sorry Renee, I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt


Honestly now I’m curious how you make that mistake. It would be like using a picture of Federal Hall in NYC as the US Capitol - it works require more energy to find the incorrect answer

**It also occurs to me that some AI process could have spit this out, in which case logic and reason and efficiency have no bearing


I would blame McClatchy.

It has been a number of years since I worked with them so possible outdated info, “**It also occurs to me that some AI process could have spit this out”. 3rd party AI sourced content for real estate related content was a thing, a human had to publish it but the content was generated by AI and ingested into the system.

Said human could be assigned Raleigh but really works out of a regional newsroom, like DC.

Regarding the dated photo asset, they don’t have capacity for a photo journalist for everything. Likely a simple check the CMS for existing photos matching some description and roll with it.

/end jaded view.


I considered this too and this looks like the culprit - same exact photo & hihlight appears in a 6/15/23 article on the sale of the original Union Station.

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It looks like La Piazza is opening soon :spaghetti::it::


“a taste of Staten Island”? :laughing: Suddenly I’m a bit less interested… :grimacing:


Stopped in already. The pizza was really good and staff was very friendly!


You know the demographics of Staten Island, right?

We’ll see about that. There is only one good pizza place in all of North Carolina so the odds are stacked against it. Also - if they don’t offer salty chovy then they lose points right off the bat.

I can’t trust a Buffalo honk to know decent pizza

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Buffalo Pizza is the best.

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