General Retail/Restaurant News

Rumor report!

Heard that Jason Queen is selling Transfer Co. to a company with more retail management experience. Also heard the sale includes the plans for the undeveloped lot right next to it. So something might finally be happening.

Haven’t confirmed this, but keep an eye out…


I wonder what kind of retailer would work best in that large undeveloped lot. Luxury vs Necessities vs somewhere in-between.

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Jubala Coffee opening at 301H/Raleigh Crossing. First retail at this tower.


Kind of a weird decision by them… they have a super successful location barely a mile or two away down Hillsborough, and then Press just opened in 400H a block away. Glad to see something finally taking one of these spaces, but yeesh good luck to them, hope they’re not shooting themselves in the foot and oversaturating.


They may be able to sustain themselves with the tenants of the building itself, depending how full it is. But I agree. Lots of coffee/breakfast spots popping up all at once in a compact area. I guess time will tell if they’ll all be successful.


So, just Pendo? :rofl: They probably have a luxury coffee bar for office employee use, already

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Maybe they are getting their foot in the door (so to speak) for all the future residents coming in future phases of the rest of the Fallon block. (See y’all… I can be positive sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: )


I prefer Altoona style pizza, personally.

Speaking of coffee shops. The Starbucks on Peace St is closed for renovations.

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Postino in Cameron Village is now open. We were pleasantly surprised by the ambiance and food.


I’d eat the hell out of some Altoona pizza but please, lets be realistic.

They have a 321 Coffee in their suite that’s free for employees.

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From what I read/saw about it, it actually seems more appealing to me than I’d expect. Planning to check it out in the next few weeks.

I’m sure they probably did their due diligence and this move makes sense for them. The one at State is always packed, but it doesn’t mean this won’t also be busy. There are no coffee shops for the residents of Glenwood and Jubala could pull from those residents, especially on Harrington.

There is the 321 Coffee basically on Glenwood, but that’s more of a grab-and-go situation. I do think Jubala will do fine, since every location (NR, NH, and NCSU) are always packed any time I go to them.


That end of Glenwood suddenly has a ton of coffee-ish shops with 321, La Farm, Press, and Jubala. I would have loved if it was opening towards the other end of Glenwood. I still wonder why nothing has opened up in Smoky Hollow since J Lights closed.

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Iris is very good and only a couple blocks from Smokey Hollow. It would be hard to compete with.


I do quite enjoy Iris, but my point is that they wouldn’t have to compete. I believe both could exist and be successful.

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Definitely more than just Pendo in that building. My former employer has a full floor in that building and they just called everyone back to the office.