General Retail/Restaurant News

I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get to Buffalo! I can think of worse things in life than traveling the world and testing great pizza against great pizza! :pizza:


There aren’t many reasons to visit Buffalo but pizza and wings while watching a Bills game with a bunch of western NYers drunk on Labatts is probably the best reason (Pro Tip)

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I’ll come clean that I don’t like Buffalo wings. That said there are plenty of my peeps there as well (Poles/Slavs), so I am sure that I can also get some good pierogi.


Thank you for leading the charge on Buffalo chicken not actually being good. I like spicy food, I like vinegar, wings are kind of gross to eat but whatever, but Buffalo sauce just doesn’t do it for me.

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Taste in food is pretty much all subjective.

I lived in Buffalo for about a year many moons ago. I don’t recall the pizza being anything that made me say “Best Pizza Ever”. Not that it was bad by any means. I just remember it standing apart from other regions. Wings on the other hand, is a different story. The most divy dive bar in Buffalo will most likely have better wings then just about anywhere else (IMO)

Pizza is a lot like BBQ. Every region has it’s own spin on it. And just because something is different does not make it worse. I like NY style Pizza, but also appreciate Chicago style. They are definitely different, but I wouldn’t say Chicago Pizza is horrible.

When I am in Texas, I get the brisket BBQ. I don’t turn up my nose a refuse to get Brisket because it’s different from NC BBQ. I just don’t get the culture wars around regional food variations.

Enjoy the diversity and different tastes. It would be lame if all the pizza is the same across the country.


Buffalo pizza is better.

Ok, now we lost each other.


I thought you were from Buffalo and could appreciate a little self-deprecating humor made in jest. Though what else would you say is worth visiting Buffalo? Not Niagra Falls, as the best view is on the Canadian side. Lake-effect snow storms? People watching for public displays of alcoholism and anger management issues? (ok ok ok, I’m done messing with you - Buffalo is a low-key cool city and there’s plenty of cool stuff to do/see).

@John I will have you know I am ALSO Polish so I also have an authority on pierogis, though I can’t recommend any places to try as I’ve always just had my gram’s (which now my mother makes every Christmas). I have so much authority huh?? :sunglasses:

If you had so much authority on the topic, you would realize that pierogi is both singular and plural. :microphone: :palm_down_hand: :kissing_heart:


Not quite local. This is a plate of pierogi from a trip to Krakow.


I’m not sure what this topic/thread is even meant for anymore. Don’t we have a pizza thread?

EDIT: Allow me to introduce you to, A MORE APPROPRIATE THREAD!


PS. sorry I’m stealing your font, @Jake


Buffalo pierogis are the best.

Phil come on now, as a Buffalonian you should know more than anyone that pierogi is both singular and plural!


Maybe show off other things from Buffalo…? I kid, ya gotta have a good sense for when to fight everyone from everywhere to survive those lake effect snows and long sports offseasons…

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Perhaps we should start a “food fight” thread.


> sees 8 new comments in General Retail/Restaurant news
> oh boy, I wonder what interesting developments happened in the Raleigh restaurant industry
> comments about pizza and the city of Buffalo
> leaves


Did you know that:

Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo

Is a grammatically correct sentence?


New retail in downtown doesn’t stop. Raleigh Magazine reports Boatman Spirits Co. craft distillery, taproom, and restaurant is coming to Seaboard Station in early 2025.


Now that’s something that’ll draw me into Seaboard besides my optometrist. We don’t have a distillery in Raleigh that I know of - closest I’ve been to is Mystic in Durham.

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That’s the first interesting thing that Seaboard/Hoffman has announced. Interested to hear some more news on the concept.