Hillsborough Street Mixed Use Projects Near NC State

I believe it’s turning into a new restaurant

In a perfect world this would be the outcome:


@Drew posted about this awhile back. Glad to see it’s apparently moving forward. Much better use of this weird, semi-iconic building than tearing it down or letting it sit vacant and rundown.

Edit: Now watch, after I said that, this construction fencing will be for its demolition instead…


Mami offspring as in Alpaca? :pray:

Winner winner chicken dinner, literally. Yes, my wife’s company is doing the upfit. Not sure of the timeline yet.


The UDO does have “frontage” requirements that do that, particularly “shopfront”:

However, this particular stretch of Hillsborough is designated as “Green” frontage, probably because it was historically a stretch of mansions-turned-offices without much retail.


This is so dumb. So now, in the 21st Century, when there is an opportunity to add to the pedestrian experience and extend the urban fabric of the city down this stretch, they don’t think to update the frontage requirements because it “historically” didn’t have retail? Like… what? Why? lmao :man_facepalming:


Meanwhile, Octavia Rainey spoke at yesterday’s council meeting about her proud efforts back in the 90s to downzone her neighborhood from R20 to R10 and her opposition to TOD on New Bern because it’s “not downtown”.
Resistance from the west…resistance from the east. Where is DT to go?

Also, before we worry about extending the Hillsborough retail corridor, perhaps we can focus on the nearby one that’s primed and ready for it if we had the political will to transform Glenwood South.


Do we think this building is going to actually start soon? I see they have the site cleared.


It was in review BLDNR-050502-2022 and required resubmit, but has not been resubmitted.

I can also confirm that it is going to be an Alpaca

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: 501 Hillsborough

Octavia Rainey is a NIMBY troll who makes everything about race, and hides it up for her anti-growth agenda. Gosh, I am tired of people like her, and why does Raleigh get cursed with these kinds of people living here. New Bern is a vital corridor for her beloved people to connect them with WakeMed, and departments of health and human services and other Wake county governments they rely on. Plus those people love Walmart and Wake County Election HQ is on the route too so voting can happen I saw a lot of those people when I was campaigning for Minu Lee.

Cha House is permanently closing. I am NOT WELL. :frowning:

ahhhh phooey, they had good boba and some good snack items. That whole strip seems like a difficult place to keep a shop/restaurant open. The building looking like a giant brick wall probably doesn’t help.

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I’ve never heard of this place. Is it one of those generic Asian fusion/tea with chunks places that keep opening and closing by NC State that @evan.j.bost likes so much, but knows I don’t?:wink:

Also, @dtraleigh we are gonna need an ostrich reaction if this person keeps posting.


Yes, except it’s much much better than the generic chain ones. It was local and actually quality tea, as opposed to the powdered mix stuff. They’ve got two other locations in the Triangle.


You must have me crossed-wired in the brain. Not a fan of tapioca balls either. Lol

LOL I guess you never said you liked them either…

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Cha House had a great vibe. Music, plants, art, decor, seating, space, etc. I liked working remote from there. Most other coffee/tea shops over there either don’t have ample seating or the wifi is bad. It wasn’t even about the tea for me, although I did enjoy it.