Large Events and Festivals

Dreamville Festival is sold out. TBJ has an article about hotels all around skyrocketing for this weekend. Hope it gives some developers an incentive to get going / add more.


it has been!!! Next year they need to consider making it a proper 3-day fest and doing Friday night shows, as well!


Saw this bit too, hopefully as the festival continues to grow they’ll do more things like this around the city. This will be really cool whenever the RUSBUS towers are finished.

Dreamville to host free event at CAM featuring Timbaland, Ari Lennox (


I hope so too, 30 local hotels are completely booked for the festival. This list doesn’t even include the AC hotel on Glenwood, Sheraton or Marriott on Fayetteville St. Here’s the list of Dreamville/Crew Fare’s recommended hotels, including those sold out:


A few remaining Airbnb’s are available within 2-3 miles of Raleigh going for around $1000+ a night during Dreamville weekend. Nice

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Newest NIMBY Council Members: “bUt ThAt’S oNLy OnCe A yEaR, wE cAn’T jUsT oPeN tHe FLoOdGaTeS tO gReEdY hOtEL dEveLoPeRs bEcAuSe oF oNe WeEkEnD”

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Are NIMBYs really organized to block hotels specifically? I mean, most hotels are not shadow creators.

Oh, I’m just taking the piss. Not a serious criticism.

…and my reply was intended to be sarcastic. :smirk:

Pretty cool Dreamville has been live on Amazon Prime. It will be tomorrow as well if anyone wants to see it from afar.


Well, I wish I had known that last night! Does anyone know if it will be available on prime as a replay?

Sadly, it only shows the live broadcast. I tried to rewatch it since I missed Ari Lennox’s performance but couldn’t.

On a positive note, look at all of these people:


Wow .

Great job j. Cole, your move city of Raleigh. Pitch this space to large festival promoters and land us a couple more


watching now. huge crowd.

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I was gonna share this exact post. This festival is such a win for Raleigh. The best part is that from traffic in the surrounding area, you wouldn’t even know that many people were packed in Dix. I have no idea how they pulled that part off but I’m thankful the attendance wasn’t a dud AND that as a non-attending local, I can still get to and from downtown without a headache or major detour. Win-win for everyone :sweat_smile:


Should point to this every time NIMBYs try to say a 20 townhouse development is going to cause traffic issues.


He is the man. So pumped what this has turned into. I’m sure there are others but off the top of my head it feels like Dreamville is up there with Lollapalloza or ACL as the premier downtown festivals in the country


I could hear it faintly downtown earlier.


I really love the festive atmosphere around town, and I even get to hear the concert from my front porch lol. It has been super cool seeing all the festival goers walking through the neighborhood on their way to Dix Park.

Whatever changed since yesterday with parking, though, is wild. Cars parked on Western Blvd (even in the median), around corners, on private property, and making narrow residential streets nearly impassable (especially for emergency vehicles) is not great. It wasn’t like that in past years and even on Saturday! Not sure what’s different today. A lot of folks are going to come back to citations, unfortunately.


There are probably thousands of more people in attendance today since the main headliners are performing today. Last year the attendance nearly doubled on Sunday.