Lincoln Theater-Pope House block

Also, a high-end hotel has already been approved for the lot right adjacent to the McDonalds. You’re absolutely right, McDonald should be planning a 12-story building with a McDonald’s on the bottom. That would be an excellent way for them to maximize their investment. Especially if it is a corporate owned McDonalds which I believe it is. Raleigh is doomed to mediocrity if this stuff keeps up.


I am trying to recall, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I think this lot was slated for a bigger zoning caregory during the remapping, dx12 perhaps, but McDonalds protested because that meant they wouldn’t be able to include a drive through when they rebuilt. Basically they arrived at CX4-UL because it would allow the drive through while requiring that the building hold the corner.

Rest assured that McDonalds will be doing the absolute minimum to meet the letter of the law here.

Last I heard it was going to be an Element. Is that still all we know?

The Peace Street McDonald’s was built in conflict with the city’s adopted Peace Street Streetscape plan, and its design was approved without individual written notice engagement of its neighbors across the street (as per the city requirements at the time). I know; I’m one of those neighbors. While I fully accept that McDonald’s had the right to build a new restaurant on their property, I don’t accept that they were able to circumvent both the process for doing so and an adopted city plan. They essentially plopped down a pre-designed suburban outlet on the property with a stupid extended canopy on the front with absolutely no effort to engage pedestrians. There are urban McDonald’s models that engage pedestrians, are stand alone, and have drive-thrus. It’s not impossible. It just takes a city with will to push for its adherence to its plans. With the streetscape plan, the city held the cards and the ability to veto the design. In the end, they capitulated to McDonald’s and didn’t even get any affordable housing! :roll_eyes:


This update just came across the wire:

Plan Name changed from “McADonald’s/ 101 East South St/ new construction” to “McDonald’s/ 101 East South St/ new construction”

Not the greatest spellers submitting these? :joy:

I think city council should hold a public hearing to discuss this name change.


And require affordable meals as part of the approval of the name change.


No, there’s a drive thru so Council should put it on the fast track for approval. :roll_eyes:


Think of the shadows the golden arches will cast! :weary:


That extra A will surely cast a shadow.

McDonalds isn’t already affordable? I’m screwed…

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cameron Village / ADUs / DIX & Alleys

Has anyone been to the Charleston Pour House? My band played there recently and I was inspired by their set up and how awesome the experience was for both the artist and attendee. And it got me thinking about Lincoln Theater’s potential. The only parcel Lincoln owns other than the building appears to be landlocked to the SW of the back of the building.

If they could lease the street facing parcel in front of that one, or buy it, they could expand on the side with an outdoor entertainment area similar to the Charleston Pour House’s set up and become more of a destination outside of the particular name that’s on the marquee.

Here’s the outside stage at Charleston PH

Here’s the inside stage, taken before we played.

To the right of the stage is a large retractable door that opens to the outdoor stage/patio/bar area, so people can easily flow from the indoor crowd to the deck outside to talk/smoke/etc. They are also integrated with a fantastic Chinese fusion restaurant that you can order from the outside bar. The whole set up makes the experience much more of a draw to people that may not care too much about the band but still want to hang out at a cool environment with their friends who are really into the band.

Been saying this for years, but the first brewery around here to build a dedicated music venue (not just a dinky stage or “band area”) connected to the brewery will hit a home run. Raleigh is in desperate need of a 600-700 capacity venue, something between PH and Lincoln.

Note: there’s no connection between our PH and Charleston’s.


Love this concept. If they aren’t already planning it, Trophy should create a larger performance space at their Maywood location.

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I believe they are planning on having an outdoor stage and a restaurant on the parcels next to the Maywood facility. Last I heard they were waiting for Morgan expansion to wrap up before moving on to this project.


Its not really land locked…Stronach’s Alley is public ROW and used to lined with houses.

Not exactly related but people at work are complaining that this lot is going from $60 to $100 a month for parking.


The bus is looking like a better option every day!


The parking supply is definitely drying up in downtown, real or perceived. Either way, prices are going up. I’ve heard the same complaints in my building. Even the “mom and pop” lots that are a few blocks outside of downtown are raising prices from say $20 to $40 a month.

I’m hoping it doesn’t get too bad that it hurts downtown development due to the fact that BRT is still years away.

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Future Mayor Baldwin expressed on Podcast Raleigh interest into creating a convenient park-and-ride next to a highway exit.

Like I said build a huge parking deck in South Raleigh by 440 and link it to 5 minute BRT lines to downtown or cable car.

I don’t think people realize how important such a project like this needs to be looked into. Raleigh is still addicted to cars and this issue could stifle development.