Longleaf Hotel (former Days Inn)

We went back Sunday to the lounge for a beer. Cool spot. The motel is doing well.


Variance submitted for the deli to build a 1 story building instead of 2 story.

Images from here: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/BPCTNZ78419E/$file/20200511PLANBOA-0073-2019PowerPoint.pdf


Thanks for the update and rendering. I was wondering how this was going when I drove by this weekend. Was it supposed to be 2 stories originally? I had thought it was just 1 story.

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I’m living for the folded slab roof!

original submittal to the city…

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Gotcha, thanks! Obviously I hadn’t been paying attention, guess I was more excited about the hotel opening :wink:


The owners of the Longleaf Hotel in downtown Raleigh are looking to rezone the property to allow for a mixed-use development. But they say the hotel isn’t going anywhere.

The 2-year-old boutique hotel could become part of a development up to 40 stories if the proposed rezoning request is eventually approved. Raleigh developer Loden Properties owns the hotel and is holding a virtual neighborhood meeting on March 7 to discuss rezoning the property from a 12-story height limit to a 40-story limit. According to the meeting notice, the rezoning request is to allow for a mixed-use development on the site.

[They are] exploring the rezoning possibility due to the city’s favorable political climate – the Raleigh City Council has approved multiple 40-story requests since the current council formed after the 2019 election. These kinds of rezoning are what’s happening in downtown, and this property should be zoned for 40 stories, Jones said. But, patrons won’t have to say goodbye to the Longleaf Hotel.

“We have a neon sign up there, it says ‘Long Live Longleaf’,” Jones said. “Longleaf isn’t going anywhere. If there’s a development in the future that can benefit from a 40-story rezoning, Longleaf is a part of that puzzle.”


Yeah, you can move that long live longleaf neon sign to the 30th floor penthouse in the new development


I’ll be pretty mad if they tear down longleaf for a development when we literally have parking lots everywhere.

They own Longleaf, not parking lots. :man_shrugging:


Caveating this with the fact that I think Longleaf is the absolute best use for the building that’s currently there, wouldn’t it be nice if that property wasn’t still half parking lot, plus that totally unused lot on the east side?


I’m picturing them stacking 19 more Longleafs on top of this one.

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It’s to bad that it’s still a rectangular property a curved tall building would look quite nice coming into town there. The state owns the lot shown here.

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With how linear the lot is, I’m having a hard time seeing how it could be further developed beyond plans that include demo of the current building (outside of redeveloping the McDowell side of the property/building where Quiznos used to be) :thinking:


That is a spectacular spot for a high end hotel. If shaped with the land it could be really awesome. Go 50 to 60 stories on this sucker.

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This is our :fountain: space, sir. IDC if it’s a 40-story fountain, but this is for the fountain.


The design of this building will definitely be interesting :thinking:

City Council 9/06; Planning Commission recommends approval


Echoing this; super doubt they’d just plan for a 30-40 story super skinny building on the former Quiznos building’s lot…

S@me…super interested to see this shake out without demo’ing the already refurb’d hotel ( Boooo!)