Longleaf Hotel (former Days Inn)

Sign going up https://twitter.com/tribizme/status/1218257485733203968?s=21


Neon!!! :heart_eyes:


I was right!

From @GucciLittlePig:


Saw the sign illuminated last night and it is quirky in the best way

Man, we sure were Debbie downers on this just a few months ago.


They replied back to my question. Ish delicatessen is in design phase now and they hope to be under construction mid to late summer. So a bit longer to wait on that, though the old building is gone at least.


The Lounge is open though with cocktails and snacks, correct ?

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No idea, I havenā€™t been! Lol but yes I think I heard something like that.

Hi. My name is Robert and I can be a Debbie Downer. And I was on this project. Now, my defenseā€¦

First, I am very happy to be wrong. The property looks good, should do well, and is a HUGE improvement over the condom collector that used to be there. But, they came out like many developers with very aggressive dates that they missed. Why not manage our expectations and BS the other direction? And, if memory serves me, the original projection included ISH being ready with the hotel.

So, in the end, downtown is a little better because these guys took on this project. I think this key sliver of land could have been better utilized but we are still better off. And, there still could be a huge fountain :fountain: put on the backside to welcome folks to downtown.


I was super close in getting the timeline right but I went over so by Price is Right rules I lose.
Does anyone know if they built a sidewalk in front of the property ?

It really didnā€™t seem like they were going to get this open, but they proceeded very quickly. Good for the developers and I hope it is a success. This was always one of the sketchest parts of the west side in IMHO.
But the fountain!!! That is what we need. This is the number one site in DTR for a monumental fountain to welcome everyone to to the core of the city. Iā€™ve been day dreaming about this since the 70s. You would think I had drawings already!!


I think no sidewalk.


Are you talking about a fountain on the back side of this on the half circle where capital blvd splits and goes around either side?


I think he/she is and i find it humorous that a forum for downtown would have someone recommend a fountain that would be primarily be seen by commuters in their car versus pedestrians who could enjoy it downtown.

Yes I am. And yes, it would be seen primarily by the drivers as the enter the downtown ā€œproperā€. It would be an end point for the freeway, and the start of the grid. It would be accessible, though not easily to pedestrians. Certainly it shouldnā€™t be the only fountain downtown, but it could be a great one.


And as the one to bring it up today, Iā€™m with @pBeez. 98.6% of the people that arrive in our downtown arrive via road. And we donā€™t have a nice gateway.


How about a really cool public art piece or statue, with some nice lighting for evening hours, instead of a wasteful fountain?


Iā€™d be ok with a statue in a fountain!!
But sure, some sort of fantastic art would be cool. But I donā€™t ever consider fountains as wasteful.


(a waste of water - not of space) A statue/public art piece would take the same amount of space or less, still be something cool to look at, and not be a waste of water.

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