Moore Square

Is it just me, or does there seem to very little activity around Moore Square these days? I was really hoping to have seen some significant progress at this point. I hope I am wrong and there is actually a lot of work happening at the site.

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Steel trellis will be going up in the next few weeks.
Rain has swamped the site so its been a slow process.

Earlier this week I thought I saw the kiosk being built. I’ve been meaning to snap a photo. Will probably do that this weekend.

They might be waiting for Oak City Outreach Center and the Rescue Mission to vacate–if you know what I mean. Oak City Outreach is expected to move to 1430 S. Wilmington St sometime next year and the Raleigh Rescue Mission is expected to move all operation to Capital Blvd as well. Once the park is completed the whole block except for the Outpost Tiki Bar will likely be demolished and redeveloped (per conversation with someone close the owners of one of the properties).

I hope they build really big, then maybe the Lincoln apartment will be forced to remove their stupid $75 a month surcharge for apartments with a city view.

Here is a link to their construction camera.

You can play the time-lapse and see their progress so far.


It’s kind of funny because it started (after years of delays) around the same time as One and Two Glenwood. In that time, they’ve moved some dirt around and put some cement in one corner. Meanwhile half an 8 story parking deck and an entire 10 story building have gone up. Maybe if they had more than 3 guys out there working…


Exactly the point I was trying to convey :wink:

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Thanks for the link, that time lapse is great!

Walked by today and confirmed that the cafe and restrooms are being built.

I’m confirming the above because here is the plan pulled from the latest plan.


The city’s Parks and Rec Department are looking for feedback on what kind of programming should take place in Moore Square. Here’s the link to the survey.


Looks like the Oak City Outreach just east of Moore Square will be relocating to South Wilmington St.
The timeline for their move is just before the Moore Square Redevelopment is complete.
I wonder if the property will be sold or re-purposed within the city. A mixed use development would go really well with the new park to increase foot traffic there and City Market. Also helps to clean up the image Moore Square had before with concerns to “safety”.


People with concerns for “safety” will probably still be bothered by the presence of the Raleigh Rescue Mission.

While it’s nice that Oak City Outreach found themselves a bigger home, it’s not great that it’s located outside of downtown and across the nightmare intersection of Wilmington and MLK.

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The cit will really be driving the development on this block. I made this back in 2016 and I think it still holds true. The yellow outlined properties are city-owned, with the Rescue Mission on that northern property.

I imagine the city will want density here as a ROI to Moore Square but also bring in something that benefits the community. My bet is affordable housing with a mix of other uses.


I know this might be a strange question, but does anyone know what type of grass they are using for the great lawn?

My guess is that they’ll use a Bermuda bc of it seems as if the great lawn will get almost full sun and it’s the fastest grass to recover when damaged.

Also, anyone know what the ‘dog policy’ will be?

Is the rescue mission moving too? I think moving people who don’t contribute to the downtown area, and may be a detriment, out of downtown isn’t a bad thing. I want them to get the assistance they need, but it doesn’t have to be in the highest property value part of the city. I don’t see why it’s necessary for every disadvantaged person to live downtown.

City of Raleigh Standard Warm Season Bermuda Improved Blend. May have changed in budgeting.

Thanks @Andrew . I wonder when they will put that in. Will probably need a good month or two before it can withstand the type of traffic the great lawn will get

Lot of work to do in that area before it’s ready for sod. November as of now.

There is a way for many uses and people to survive Downtown. We should not sell ourselves short by insisting we segregate ourselves and remove people who do not deem worthy.


The person street side is really active. That sidewalk will be brand spanking new!

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