Moore Square

Those rates are typically annual

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Leases written on yearly basis - probs 3 or 5 yr for ‘best’ rates - but yeah, your math is the monthly $

Another great time at the Moore Square bus station…


Thought there was no more loitering allowed over there. Went by the day & 30 people were just standing around outside the station

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How do you tell the difference between people legitimately waiting on a bus, and people just loitering?


Ask to see their ticket

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When you aren’t waiting by the actual bus stops in Moore Square Station could be a tell.

This is the most popular spot. Teens shooting music videos on their phones in the parking deck is also popular.


Honestly I have never seen more than a small handful of people get on at any bus stop in the city. Way more hang out at the MS bus station than ever get on.

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It’s obvious most of these comments aren’t based on first hand experience at all. Most of the people you see standing around moore square are waiting for buses which can take up to an hour to board. TRUST ME I KNOW!

It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.


I think most are simply interested in saving the orchard.

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The Horror!!!

For the record - I am not suggesting there aren’t issues with folks loitering or causing mischief around the bus station. But I do think, blanket statements like “No Loitering” at a bus station is a whole lot easier said then done, because a big purpose of a bus station is to give people a place to wait for buses.


I wonder if murals or some kind of art on the dull grey walls would help with crime in the area.

Get some murals up and some better lighting in that bus station and maybe it brings crime down. Just a thought.


That’s a step in the right direction. More officers walking the beat than simply sitting in their cars would be great. IMO, excessive of use of police cars downtown is a waste of tax payer money.

We must keep in mind, there is also a national homeless epidemic unfortunately…

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To be fair there was a big fight in front of the Target at North Hills the other week. Not saying Moore Square doesn’t have issues, but a fight being an issue is a little overrated.

I think I also saw on the news that someone was shot at the Target in Holly Springs recently.

Again not saying Moore Square doesn’t have issues, just wondering if a fight is really newsworthy.


Yeah but he was shot by the police which means it probably was for the best. Point taken that something can happen anywhere, but acting like Moore Square bus station has the same issues as North Hills Target is a stretch. I don’t really get all the apologists and apathy and whataboutism for shit downtown that should be cleaned up.


Again not saying that Moore Square doesn’t have problems. I just think that a news story of a fight at the bus station is a little over the top. It was reported there were “puncture wounds”, but they never said stabbing or shooting. Sure I would love it if Moore Square had no issues. I haven’t complained that there was increased security presence. I’m used to seeing heavy police presence in plenty of cities. I’m with you that it does need help.

I was saying it’s a single fight incident that made the news for some weird reason.


/r/Raleigh is filled with 5 to 7 posters only post negative things about downtown Raleigh and urbanism. Thinking they have some associations with you-know-who organization.


Who is that organization?

r/Raleigh is mostly pro-urban but there is this “Raleigh peaked in 2014 and it’s all been downhill since” attitude that’s coming from somewhere, but nowhere that I can understand.


I think it makes sense when you understand the demographics of Reddit. Probably a lot of people that have lived here and are salty they can’t afford to buy a cheaper house near downtown anymore. Most subreddits tend to just be negative in general too, but especially the Raleigh one I’ve found.