Had a developer to tell me today that he is interested in building a 10 story project on the east side of Dawson / Martin Street across from Nash Square !
Hi Dwight. Thanks for the news. That’s an interesting tidbit.
I checked IMaps and the same group owns parcels for the Nash Square building, Layton’s Catering, the surface lot behind these two buildings, and the lot where the International Press building sits for a total of almost 1/2 acre.
Hey Stew , You are very welcome ! Hope you are doing super !
This is where someone saw soil testing going on a few months back. Maybe that was some early due diligence.
Created a new topic. @nipper.dwight is this the location of the current fire station 1?
Hey Leo , It is where Berkley Café / Layton’s Catering to the Firestone Lot !
I am really hoping developers choose to build around the Berkley building. I wonder if it is considered historic status? The building next to it is old as well, and has had that photo pasted to its window showing what it used to look like for quite some time (when it housed the Raleigh times newspaper, I believe). Would like to see that building restored to its former glory, and any future developments to be built behind them both. Would be a huge shame to - as seems usual in this city- tear down beautiful old buildings when there’s plenty of space for the new stuff as it is.
Jake , The Nash Square Bldg. will be involved ! Don’t know if Berkley will be or not !
Jake , The Berkley Café will not be affected with this project ! The new information is that the tower should be between 9 to 11 stories !
That’s a fair size for the south end of Nash Square so it still gets sunlight most of the year.
This project might even help keep the Berkley preserved since Whiskey Kitchen is probably holding a long term lease on their space and that doesn’t leave much room between it and the 10 story anecdotal project to do anything worth it. In my mind, a nice tower where Firestone is would be super prominent up on the knoll, and then leave Whiskey Kitchen to Berkley there as supporting old school commercial stuff. I know a hotel is eventually planned for Turn Key’s old site, but I’ve even managed to convince myself that a brewery space there would be cool (it’s a nice cavernous warehouse), that would be great for folks in the Firestone Office tower to get that happy hour drink at.
Or they could just walk across the street to Crank Arm
Sounds like this plot. All four properties have the same owner. Totals approximately 1/2 an acre.
Looks like this is the owner… http://www.ncmodernist.org/wdavis.htm Hmm, a modernist tower could be pretty interesting!!
I expect some pdf to pop up soon but this one could be very interesting.
Submitted year: 2018
Status: Review In Progress
Major Street: W MARTIN ST
Nash Square has always been one of my favorite (maybe my #1 favorite) spots in DTR. Would LOVE to see a nice hotel here (along with a grand city hall and N&O high-rise).
I often imagine a scaled-down version of Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square in this spot, with high-rises visible just over the treetops. My only gripe is that it’s hemmed in between two one-way racetracks.
The Raymond Group is the developer. The listing mentions 196337 square feet.
Below is the hotel portfolio of the developer.
200,000sqft… damn that isn’t small.
OMG… Their hotel profile is Barf inducing.
Yeeeesh yeah those are bad. Hopefully they’ll break out of the airport-style Hampton Inn stuff for this one!
Usually the square footage also includes parking, though not sure in this case?