Nash Square Apartments at Dawson/Martin

Hopefully these folks will keep the longer term in mind.


Completely agree! :disappointed:

DTR never seems to be “in-front” of a recession IMO.
Notice that I said, DTR and not Raleigh…

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I think it actually could be a good time to build a hotel because by the time it’s ready things should be back to normal. (Could and should are doing a lot of work up there.) Now it might be difficult to get the funding but if you’re able to secure loans they’re going to be dirt cheap. There’s going to be massive spending on the other side of this due to pent up demand and government stimuli I think the economy’s gonna be goosed coming out of this. I guess the big question is when is that going to happen. Probably beyond the development cycle of a new hotel. But it’s not my money on the line so…


Hotels seem to be the slowest to get moving. I’d guess there will be some effect from the current economic tanking going on especially on things that a re tied to travel and tourism. A bubble that was due to 'correct anyway plus a pandemic front and center wreaks of black Friday combined with the dust bowl. The next question is deflation or stagflation…that will determine the depth and breadth of this. Given the underlying causes, it doesn’t seem like a simple recession.


I think you are spot on @JosABanks.

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15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Downtown’s Resiliency during a slow economy

Now if we could just convince Highwoods it’s a good time to start converting their dirt lots in to buildings.


They’re making progress on the demo!


More demolition progress…


All gone!


So many cables…

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I really hope they will go underground as part of this hotel project.


Drive-by shot from last week. Nice to finally see some action here.


Well we haven’t heard if this project is on hold or not. I wonder if construction will start soon or are we going to have 3 new parking lots for the foreseeable future.

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They laid seed and straw on this site, WTF? Doesn’t appear they plan on digging the foundation anytime soon. I honestly don’t understand the logic behind purchasing a property that had paying tenants, to kick them out or demolish the property only to sit vacant. The firestone lot is another example.


Really 3 of the 4 corners of this lot. Big gaping hole in the middle of downtown. I’ll grab an aerial of this block soon.


Honestly it makes sense to pause for every construction project not already in the works.

You can make the argument that halting construction on something already underway (with equipment and materials on site, and partially complete buildings not yet made impervious to the elements) may be worth the increased risk of spreading coronavirus, in exchange for the reduced risk of loss of capital.

But putting every project on ice with no equipment on site and no partially complete construction is the responsible thing to do.


Planting grass seems to indicate a more short range delay. Whereas putting in a paved parking lot is something I would really be worried about.


Yeahhh. I’m definitely not stoked with the demolition lately. It’s regression. Adding surface lots and destroying urban feel, leading right into a recession

Here’s a picture, I wonder if they put down fescue or Bermuda?