NCSU Developments

Wow… how many classes did I have in Harrleson back in the day??? And now it is completely gone, that still feels weird to me. Future Packers will never know the joy of getting disoriented inside the flying saucer with the never ending circular ramp and the circular bathrooms in the core of the building. :flying_saucer:


I agree that a grade separation would be nice, but there is already an NCDOT project (scheduled for I believe 2026) to do this. My guess is that’s why it was not a focus on the master plan. Either way, if the intersection ends up anything like that render, it’ll be a massive improvement. The BRT platform will make for a much better refuge island than what’s there now, and the numerous bike lanes are a welcome site.


You can still see the ghost of Harrelson Hall in these photos.


It is a rite of passage having classes in a terrible building people can complain about. Builds character. Gives you stories. I remember Venable Hall at UNC back in the day from my summer job. Wish I had taken more photos of it. Of course I remember Harrelson–which I do have photos of. Had two calcs and an econ in that thing.

RIP to the hockey puck of pain


I’m not sure of your experience (assuming you’re an alumni) but in mine at State as an engineering student, I rarely crossed Western on foot. All transit to and from Centennial campus was by Wolfline.

When I got to Junior/Senior year and the majority of my classes shifted to Centennial, I moved into apartments on Gorman and walked to classes on Centennial, and still used Wolfline for main campus classes.

The remoteness of Centennial for me basically meant I never had to deal with that intersection on foot, which was fine by me.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Hillsborough Street Mixed Use projects near NCSU

Just received an email from the chancellor re: the NC State master plan. Here are the details: Physical Master Plan – Facilities


Not sure if this is the right place for this, but just drove by a major fire happening at the Stanhope apartments in Hillsborough St!

Seems like it was this:

Tl:Dr: Fire broke out in the parking deck, damaging 10 cars. Source of fire is unknown at this time.


Yep that’s it. I guess if anything it’s better that it was the parking deck vs anyone’s residence. Still crazy to see driving by. Hope no one was hurt.

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solid state batteries can’t happen soon enough


Thank God there were no string lights nearby, or this could’ve been much, much worse!

14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hillsborough Street Mixed Use projects near NCSU

Update on the Integrative Sciences Building on the Brickyard.


Nice! We saw a crane from Hillsborough St when we drove by on Saturday but didn’t get a closer look.

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Love this development!




Cool, they have a live stream.


Nice! I love a good construction cam. Thanks for sharing.


The preview you posted has updated to real time since you posted. I wanted to highlight the banner they hung up there. Love it!