NCSU Developments

Universities have been naming buildings for centuries after donors. Heck, the Poultry Science department at State is named for a turkey farm.


Heck, the university I went to is named after donors, a wealth toothpaste family.


Our local sister institution to the west is entirely named after a donor family.

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You mean they weren’t the rulers of the Duchy of Durham?

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Carmichael Gym Expansion

  • $45 million project
  • removes 48K east wing
  • replaces with 83K addition
  • completion in Fall 2020

Check this link for more background and 2 live webcam views.


That thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Insane!

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Does that mean the Hand Ball courts are gone? That was my favorite activity when at State. Well that will admit - :grin:


Nope, handball is still available. They repurposed a few courts for office space and a weight room during construction but that portion of the building that has handball/raquetball/running track etc is going to remain more or less unchanged. This project replaces the grotesquely outdated office space and former women’s locker rooms with new shinies. And will connect the newish Rec Center to the rest of Carmichael. (Did you know there was actually an auditorium in there? Crazy.) Oh, it’s got a three-story climbing wall in it! It’s going to be pretty sweet when it opens. The webcam has been going since demo started; I don’t know if the loop is on a website somewhere but they play it on the big TVs in outside the locker rooms, it’s really fun to see the progress.


Without linked proof of the webcam, it isn’t there. :wink: :video_camera:

KenAA already gave the link

True, except scotchman was right that the original, very old handball courts were in the basement of the area that was replaced with this expansion, so those are now gone.

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Darn I’m even more out of date than I thought. Not that I think I could play hand ball now for more than may 10 min -LOL

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Missed that. Thanks! I remember those old handball courts. I think that was the building where I had to take the step test for PE101 when I was a freshman.

Yes, definitely step tests down in that basement! Interesting thing is that other than a small tunnel for utilities/access, that basement was now completely filled in for the current project, so no more dungeon.

I still can’t get “up, up, down, down” out of my head & it’s been decades! It was like you were in some weird dystopian assimilation program.

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NCSU Campus Utility Infrastructure

Here’s an usual structure under construction. Next to the CC Utility Plant between Centennial and Manin Campus Dr is this large storage expansion. (Note half up the spiral stair case are some workers… this thing’s yuge!)

Doesn’t show on google maps yet, but it’s on bing:

It’s part of the $10M utility improvement project for the campus. Here’s a list of the NCSU Capital Projects if you’re interested. Shows over $530M of spending in Raleigh over a 3 year period.

Has a constructionCam. Check the time lapse to see it get built.


What is it storing? :question:

What’s that bigass tank they’re building at NCSU going to store?

  • Unicorn Tears
  • Water
  • Oil
  • Soy Milk

0 voters


Does it have anything to do with the Pulstar nuclear reactor on campus? :wink:

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none of the above, it’s a secret test build of SpaceX’s new maga rocket.


It’s going to store the shadows cast from all the new buildings downtown so the residents of Raleigh can live in peace without fear of shadows being cast upon them. Downtown ambassadors will vacuum up all the shadows right at sundown every night and then release them into the tank.