Raleigh-area Mall / RTP Redevelopments

Another issue at play is that Raleigh can’t really develop to the north of Strickland/540 because of the Falls Lake watershed. South of Strickland/540 it can (and will continue) to densify within the existing footprint. East of Falls of Neuse, you are out of the reservoir watershed and development/sprawl is rampant. But I continue to digress… back to KaneVille


Well that would just be ideal!! Millbrook would become an important E-W connection in any case

Local business leaders wanted the merger to stem the tide of white flight from the city and eventually pressured the legislature to force the issue when they ran out of luck trying to make it happen within the local community. Interestingly enough, the activism started in the business community.


Actually the Wake County magnet school program is a poster child for voluntary integration. I heard a radio report on it on NPR a number of years ago. From that standpoint it was very successful.

Now obviously, such a large district presents a number of other challenges, as detailed above.


Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the consolidated system. The consolidated system + the magnet program was a good strategy.


raleigh used to have school kids do that job…i did it. free doughnuts and hot chocolate before school started for kids i would fight with later in the day. worked ok i guess.


HS “Kids” use to drive the buses in NC as well, I did for 2 years. Had to have and maintain a spotless driving record, take special driving class, and pass written and road test to get a special school bus drivers license. IF so much as scratched the bus or got complaints about your driving. then you were out. Had do get up a few hours early but got paid to drive to school and back home. At some point the Karen’s thought it was a horrible idea for HS kids to drive them and switched to all “adults”, guess what, the accident rate went up.


i rode a bus driven by a millbrook hs student to east Millbrook MS…the only incident was an exam time shaving cream prank on the bus. we got ‘cleaned’ up at school and sent to our exams.


When I was a student in Wake County Schools, my bus drivers were also high school students.


Definitely love it.

A tunnel is probably feasible. There are no gravity-fed utilities (sanitary or storm sewers) in the way. Those can be highly disruptive (read: outright infeasible) to move.

Just about everything else is there: water, electricity, gas, AT&T, Spectrum, Google, muncipal fiber - you name it. I’m not sure the depth of each of these, but it’s likely they’d mostly (if not all) have to be moved.

So, not necessarily cheap. But there is precedent for this sort of utility relocation, and it is feasible if money can be found.


Just for a nice break from beating the dead Six Forks horse some more… Here’s an article about the food and drinks in the Fenton as their first restaurant is opening.


In my professional life, we deal with avoiding underground utilities everyday. MOST of the time all the utilities you mentioned are within the first 4-5 feet below the surface. Some are scarily shallow TBH. Not sure how deep a tunnel would need to be under Six Forks, but I’ll bet it will be more than 5 ft bgs.


Even most culvert ped tunnels are a good 10’ below the road


The ground level of the plaza between Captrust and BoA at North Hills East is about 360’ elevation, and Six Forks is about 374’.

Can’t easily get much lower on the NHE side because you have to go over the ramp that descends into the parking deck of Captrust.

Figure the tunnel is 9’ high and has a foot-thick slab for a ceiling. That leaves only 4’ between the top of the slab and the ground. Which is feasible but would probably require doing at least something with utilities.

I don’t think we realize how much Nexus could actually change our skyline. They originally planned for 3 towers at 20 stories. The towers were expected to be 260 feet tall. Even if they go 27 stories at the same floor height, we’d be looking at 350. If they go all 40, we could be looking at over 500 feet


The Nexus thread is over here.

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I want them to build a parking deck OVER Six Forks at north hills.


might be some good photos at christmas

Raleigh is at a crossroads! We need the Yimby/True Urbanist Supports to come to the next City Hall Meeting ! And support The North Hills Rezoning! Larry Helfant and Crew plan to make a scene, Kane is now gonna now provide Micro Units, built over a transit center think of it as another Rusbus the traffic study also supports the Rezoning, Don’t let the nimbys! Destroy Raleigh’s progress! Lets show up and show out !

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