Raleigh Greenway Plan Update

Update on the Mine Creek Bridge. It’s unofficially opened? I saw people crossing today (which I did as well once I saw others doing it). Not sure what the tear up of some of the path was, but I’m assuming there are sections that are going to be redone. I’m guessing draining pipes were put in or replaced.


Nice - this will be much better then that rickety bridge they had in there before.


Couldn’t remember if anyone posted about the Walnut Creek Trail at Trailwood Drive project being completed, but it is and I biked on it today :smile:


I noticed that when I drove down Avent Ferry for the first time in years the other day, I was looking for it! I used to live in the Arium apartments and bike commute to Centennial, and that little stretch of perilous 2’ sidewalk over the bridge was the worst.

Funny to see something I wanted so much finally done and I have no use for it, but happy for anyone who does! It was a great route to bike from all those apartments to campus, and is now even better!


It’s such a great connection!! Really makes that stretch more comfortable


Fairly substantial work happening on the Walnut Creek trail sewer line replacement:



Pretty bad picture but the amount of gravel they’ve brought in for this project is incredible.

This is further east than above - I think the work here is a different closure but presumably the same company?


Thanks for the updated pics! Does anyone know what they are planning? Assuming stormwater mnagement with the pipes and gravel/rocks but will they lay dirt on top in the end? A lot of heavy machinery in this vicinity.

I went and ran on the Crabtree Creek Trail over the weekend and it looks like the trail is closed between Wake Forest Road and Atlantic Ave for work related to the Industrial Drive connection that is officially getting paved?


It was blocked the other week and still many people seemed to be pushing through it, is that still possible? Wondering because this is my bike commute home from work.

I ran right up to the barrier on the Wake Forest Road side and it looked passable but not sure about the other side

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Greenways generally follow streams, and thus are low points in the sanitary sewer network. This means that sewer intercepter pipes like those pictured in Samuel’s are required to handle all the flow converging at the stream.

In fact, I kind of lied earlier. AFAIK the greenways are almost always built in the sewer easements that the city owns, and thus double as not only recreational space but also a maintenance path for the sewer system.

Certainly a win win in the city’s book, but does mean that paths are sometimes closed for large projects like these. Will eventually be overtopped and repaved as necessary.

I believe this is the project in question. https://raleighnc.gov/projects/upper-walnut-creek-sanitary-sewer-improvements


Thank you! I was looking at Nikos pictures and though related, it looks to be further west and a separate project. Found it in the related projects at the bottom of your link:

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not too far…


It is major sewer main that serves ALL of west Raleigh and half of downtown. the stone is for proper installation. All the flow (nice word) has to go somewhere. All major greenways are in sewer easements as Parks & Rec. lets Raleigh Public Utilities catch the grief for cutting the trees down. Walnut Creek use to have wood water lines from Lake Raleigh that served the original water plant EB Bain that closed long ago…


Went over to the Greenway near Wegman’s today. Only a small section is closed. Looks like it’s usable during the weekend but during the week I’m assuming it definitely closed during construction.


Went by the Crabtree Creek West Construction site and it seems the bridge connecting Lindsay Dr and Picardy Dr is done, although not open.


Really love greenways? Triangle Trails Program Manager job opening:


Are there any brewery/bar/restaurant facilities that are directly accessible from the capital area Greenway system? Anything off the neuse river trail?

Will S. Saunders at L Wheeler be the first?