Raleigh Stadium/Arena/Sports Discussions

Wow thats just crazy! Any whispers of an opening date? Think that site is a UPS facility currently

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iMaps lists 488K sf on 27 acres located just south of the beltline bridge.

No ramp access but on the future BRT line.

Adaptive reuse while waiting for a larger project to come along?

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Yea it’s the UPS facility now, and the video says opening Summer 24, so assuming the latest September.

This layout is insane:

Do this many people really play pickleball? I remember being a student at State and dying for someone just to play racquetball with, which is a lot more fun to me. I guess I’m old.


It has blown up. I saw somewhere that it’s now the 3rd most common sport played in America just behind running and cycling (but ahead of basketball, golf, etc.)

This NY Times article is a gem of a read: https://archive.is/XEAda


Absolutely, yes.
My guess is, where courts exist today, they’re constantly full with long waits.

If it clears up space at park tennis courts I’m all for it!

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In Dallas for business. Realized Canes were in town to play the Stars. Got a ticket to their downtown arena….unfortunately the bad guys won……

BUT i did get to experience both the pre & post game life beyond a giant asphalt suburban parking lot. Currently at a bar walking distance filled with Stars fans (& a few of us Canes fans)

It really is sad Raleigh can’t seem to get its shit together. I write this while drinking a beer within a 2 minute walk from the arena…surrounded by high rise apartments & hotels. All generating WAY more tax revenue than that BS deal we just agreed to.

Tell yourself all you want the recent announcement about the Canes arena was a “good deal”……it aint.


Big Time ! We have been there downtown Dallas is unreal!

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To be fair, they are also working with the central city of a 7M+ metro area.


Also, to be fair, American Airlines arena is located within what is basically a self-contained interchange development near downtown… like Downtown South.

What is being discussed surrounding Raleigh’s arena will provide similar retail amenities for pre-game/post-game.


Also there talk that the Mavericks will bolt from American Airlines arena into a new one. Leaving just hockey.

The Hurricanes’ lease runs through 2044, so you’ve got another two decades to come onto this forum and make the same complaint over and over and over again about something that’s not going to change in at least the next 20 years, and quite possibly longer than that.

PNC Arena is located exactly where it ought to be located, in a prime crossroads location to serve the entire Triangle region.


Agreed, but it does not serve those that are looking for a more urban experience, like myself!
Yet, another reason, I avoid it and I live very close!


It’s need to have a more urban look and the greedy folks who just got this renovation cancelled, are obviously want that. We need a city district yea for hockey and for when we get Major League Baseball here in Raleigh. We’re not that far from downtown we just need to follow the Atlanta Battery blueprint, our city is as spread out as they are.

population doesn’t have anything to do with the arena. Nashville’s arena is downtown. charlotte usa’s–downtown. Both cities of similar size…& there are plenty of others. Cincinnati built ALL of their stadiums & arenas downtown…all of these cities arenas are surrounded by hotels, restaurants, etc…not a sea of asphalt…although there is plenty of parking.

Maybe if we can turn over this current city council…we can get a soccer stadium & Raleigh will also see waht happens when they build a stadium downtown.


This is weird to me. You live in suburbia but won’t go to a Hurricanes game because it’s in suburbia?

The PNC made sense when it was built. The Wake-Durham/Orange split was 60/40 and Downtown Raleigh was pretty much the eastern outpost of the Triangle. Things have changed in the 30 years since. Wake now makes up around 70% of the split, and Johnston County is pushing 250,000 people by itself. Downtown Raleigh is growing and is more centrally located than ever before. If the PNC was built now, it’s likely there would be a compelling case for downtown. As is, it’s more cost-effective to fix the area than jettison what was already built. In 2040 when the PNC needs replacing, hopefully the urban bones will be done so that it is a no-brainer to move it to a DT location.


That’s because those cities only have one major center. There’s a reason DFW’s two teams with large stadiums are in Arlington.

I’d suspect that PNC is actually still close to the population center of the Triangle.
Wake is clearly the juggernaut in the Triangle, but its population is loaded more to the west than the east, and Durham/Orange is still substantially more populated than Johnston/Franklin.


Think of it like this. In 1990, Durham/Orange had a population 30% larger than Raleigh. Now both are about equal. The center of the Triangle may not yet be in DT Raleigh, but an arena is much less tied to that side of the Triangle than ever before. And the disparity will only get bigger.

In your defense, that is your assumption, not a fact!
Also, I wouldn’t go to a Hurricanes game no matter where it was located… :wink: :rofl: :joy: