Raleigh Stadium/Arena/Sports Discussions

Also, tons of folks from Greensboro, including my parents, make the trek for games, especially on weekends. Personally, I’m all in for a downtown Raleigh arena – way cooler vibes and could spur more urban development. But, if we shift it like 20 or 30 minutes further east, I bet it’ll take the wind out of some of those road trips.

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Just checking in to see if you guys have finished rolling the big stone up the hill or if it’s rolled back down again


The notion that an arena must remain on the outskirts of the city to avoid traffic congestion fails to account for the temporal nature of event-related traffic, which often occurs during off-peak hours when downtown streets are less crowded. This, coupled with the economic vitality that a downtown arena brings—transforming event attendance into extended urban engagement and encouraging visitors to explore beyond the event itself—underscores the potential for a downtown arena to enrich Raleigh without the dreaded traffic woes. The concern for traffic, while understandable, should not overshadow the broader benefits of urban vibrancy, economic growth, and the holistic integration of entertainment within the city’s core. It’s less about traffic management around a singular point and more about weaving the arena into the city’s broader tapestry, turning what could be a point of congestion into a catalyst for urban renewal and economic prosperity.


Greensboro should have thought of that before making us trek to West Greensboro to visit our Hurricanes those first couple years. Turnabout is fair play and all that. :wink:

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…so then your argument against keeping it where it is is completely null and void lmao. Why bother commenting on it if you still wouldn’t go had it been relocated downtown?


Trust me; I follow these things closely and know that the Triangle has been moving toward being more and more dominated by Wake County each passing decade. In the 50s, Durham was larger than Raleigh. In 1990, Wake was less populated than just Raleigh today. Cary today is larger than Raleigh of the mid 1980s, and so on. As much as Durham likes to bill themselves as Raleigh’s equal weight in the Triangle, it’s just not true. Just Wake alone is substantially more populated than the entire Durham MSA, and it will continue to be so for many decades to come.


I have utilized the arena for many other events and would continue to due so, but prefer it in DTR. At least there I can walk and enjoy the other amenities! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The new lease agreement means that any discussion of moving the arena is done for the next twenty-years, minimum. In the 80’s I argued till I was blue in the face that the new ESA needed to be downtown. I was one of a few voices that had no chance. As much as I’d like to be downtown, I really feel that ship has sailed. We’ve talked about how we could wedge a new arena downtown, but realistically, it is not happening. I do admire all the folks still gripping about it, and wishing for change. Your tenacity is noted and appreciated. But as @Kanatenah put so eloquently, this horse is dead.


But city council are talking concerning a stadium. Jonathan mentioned both soccer and baseball to me.:heart_eyes:


Those are different animals than the arena. …and according to @NoRaAintAllBad that animal is a unicorn.

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That’s for Baseball and DTSouth, hockey will probably be always in Blue Ridge Road as a physical scare of our bad choice to put it there in the first place.


What part of what i shared did you not pay attention to? BOTH the Dallas Mavericks AND the Stars play in the same arena DOWNTOWN.

Raleigh does not have an NFL team.

See you guys here in this forum in about 20-25 years. That’s the next time we can talk about moving the Canes to downtown.


I know this, I’m from Texas('s much superior largest city, Houston).

It’s awesome the Stars and Mavs are in downtown Dallas, and makes for a much better pre- and postgame vibe. But the two largest stadiums (AT&T for the Cowboys and Globe Life for the Rangers) that depend on attracting the most people to be successful are both in Arlington, at the heart of the Metroplex.

As a much smaller bipolar metro area, we especially need Durhamites and Chapel Hillians (and even people from the Triad) to show up. And that makes PNC’s central location make sense.


its carolina hurricanes not raleigh hurricnanes…maybe many fans are ok without such a urban web to leave from?

Let’s be real here. It’s the Carolina Hurricanes because, God forbid, it can’t alienate Durham. That said, I’d eat my hat if it was put in Durham and not called Durham Hurricanes. Raleigh just doesn’t fight for its brand in the same way Durham does.


you are likely right on the fight part. i was born in raleigh, 40 years there, and it is my most favored city in nc…i have lived in clt and avl. my family however has been in the state since 1700 in the eastern part of the state. and as the capital city, perhaps leading with the ‘state’ name for many who are outside of raleigh, in the east and more rural parts, the broader base, iow…these people would coalesce around a ‘state’ name for the team, perhaps more, would still come to raleigh…and spend dough. a televised game would be showing -insert stadium name- in raleigh at the bottom of the screen as the drone flies over with footage and the cityscape.


Interesting. I don’t know if LS3P has done a lot of arena work. I guess Centennial wanted some different ideas. I hope they can come up with some good ideas and make this happen. Would really like to see more activity/development in the area.