Raleigh Transit Overlay Districts (TOD)

Is this the first New Bern TOD rezoning request? At Clarendon Crescent and New Bern, next door to Enloe High.


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Looks like it’s just outside the boundary----but they are asking to be added to it? At least that’s how I interpreted it.

Aha, that makes sense. It’s a good spot for it - aging, unexceptional SFHs on huge lots, and the high school is a natural buffer for the rest of Longview.


A bit of TOD history with those lots.

114 was originally a part of the TOD request, but got removed for being part of the NCOD. 122 Requested to be added, but was rejected (maybe because if wasn’t adjacent).

Now these three have submitted a rezoning request, but are no longer adjacent to the rest of the TOD because 114 was removed.


Update: Found an article with more info on that plus a rendering:


not in particular disagreement…but do cities exist now with greater population and density and transit expenditure…where the fixed route stuff has underperformed slightly or even greatly? at great cost…because are most are ok with peak hour congestion and then the point to point convenience of car travel outside of those times? i only ask this as i ponder development oriented transit as opposed to TOD…and how that difference might function. i grew up on transit and taxis in raleigh from the late 60s.