Raleigh Union Station and RUSbus Facility / Union West

But it’s been announced the taller building is on hold right? Only the South Tower (225’) is being built now… Right?

I thought it was the smaller hotel tower that was on hold?

I think it’s all on hold. No construction at all.


I honestly have no clue. Some of the reports from the groundbreaking said that “a portion” of the apartments were supposed to open by 2025 but weren’t specific. Also, that ASR shows the building as one single connected building, so not really sure how that would work🤷🏻‍♂️. Wait and see I guess

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There’s been multiple renders since this of smaller and smaller towers, as the plans have changed over time… I am not sure this 400’ tower is still planned, same with the pedestrian bridge. The massing in your image has been outdated for a while now AFAIK.

The project in the permits is described as a 23 story mixed use building-transit facility. All they have permits for is phase one which includes the foundations for the 23 story building and the construction of the transit facility. They have not submitted for permits for the residential tower.


See, thank you. Exactly my confusion @dtraleigh - none of this has been clear for a long time now, and it really does seem like they’re building without any clear indication as to what, exactly, is going to be built over the next year+

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I mean I’m sure they know lol

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I think the 23 story building IS the residential tower now, and the smaller tower will be even smaller :upside_down_face:

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Yes, and they’re the only ones right now. It’s … VERY weird, no?

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I don’t think there is a second tower anymore. Unless the 23 story building noted on the permits is two towers.

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Downgrade of the century :upside_down_face:


No kidding. Very disappointing.


Nice wrapup, all. I guess I don’t believe anything until I see a tower crane go up and everything before that, whether it be these pdf site plans or chatter on some forum, is just for entertainment only.

Maybe since they have to wait for phase 1 to complete there’s no rush to submit permits for phase 2 so they can sit back and wait to see if interest rates drop. Just a guess.


The interest rates aren’t dropping anytime soon. Maybe before the election maybe over the summer, but inflation hasn’t cooled yet.

Yeah, I’m not too worried about the permit submission either if this project is phased.

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Just want to add a reference to this post in case I end up being right…

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Would be a shame if zero private major development starts up in downtown Raleigh this year. If it wasn’t for government projects it would be one of the worst crane watch years in recent Raleigh history.

The Omni for the CC is saying it’ll be open in 2027 so I expect it will have to get cracking by the end of this year.

Yeah I know that’s another government funded project. Sorry I don’t know where I was going with this.


Is there a plan to upgrade bus service when the facility opens? A quick search shows the Greyhound station gets 20 buses in a 24-hour cycle and no more than two in any given 1-hour period. This includes non-Greyhound intercity buses (Southeast Stages etc). Go Triangle’s Express routes consist of a handful of buses during morning and evening weekday rush hours. RUSbus will have 6 bus bays and additional layover bays. How will they be used?