Raleigh Union Station and RUSbus Facility / Union West

For the box on bigger box, I suppose I was thinking about parking minimums and how cities outside New York generally can’t build skinny, parking-free or -light towers - they’re forced to have big ugly podiums.

A bit separate from the relevant conversation about boxy design, admittedly.

Phase 1 is just the bus station. That and the foundations for the tower are what they have permits for. So, theoretically, you may never get the tower.

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Or it could take 10-15 years after the foundation, like Charter Square :woozy_face::gun:

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Kind of like the Soleil Center :scream:



What is it going to take for you all to believe that this project is happening? Like wtf, there’s a process and they’re going through it. Two crane bases. Different entity responsible for the bus station. Doesn’t mean anything is in jeopardy; why do you all create these narratives?

And let it get started and built before judging the design. They cut costs (like you all quickly point out about “every” project lol). Not the appearance commission’s fault. No one has mentioned that the new design only consumes half of the parking deck pedestal. Looks like they are leaving the door open for a phase 3.


What was the last tower built downtown over 20 stories? PNC almost 20 years ago. Finally we get one over 20 and actually getting off the ground, yet everyone finds what’s wrong with it. Same people who complain about “only” having 20 story new buildings, but now they can’t get excited about this one. It’s a head scratcher

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Changing the design this drastically this many times is a red flag. Transitioning to an overly simplistic design is a red flag (after being awarded the project through a RFQ competition based on an elaborate design). The back half of the parking deck pedestal is the amentity deck.

True, not the appearance commissions fault, but still extremely disappointing.


Never was nor will be a planned Phase 3. This is what we’re getting, and at this moment in time, considering what they have permits for and current plans to actually build in the immediate future, not to mention how many times they’ve reduced the scale before even touching dirt, even that is a “maybe” lmao

Forgive me for not losing my mind in excitement over an extra 3 stories than usual :rofl:

And a 4th of those floors is the parking structure.

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I’m also wondering why they’re taking down the crane. It doesn’t seem like the parking deck is near completion. Does anyone know what’s happening?

Drove by last night and I’m pretty positive the 2nd crane base has been removed as well :neutral_face:

Confirmed it’s gone…


if this is true, then the whole RFP process needs to be revamped.

FNB and Skyhouse were the only buildings with more than 20 floors built after PNC.

It was always going to be a multi-phase process. Switching cranes is ok.

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The crane bases were never used, though. So removing them seems to indicate that there will no longer be a tower crane imminent. This entire project is such a shit show and hi-key embarrassing for the city.


Lots of assumptions and no patience. If they were planting grass and removing the crane, I’d be concerned. I believe this project still has a lot to go so let’s take a DEEP BREATH AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS.



Patience? What is that word means

I wish I could share your optimism. Do you have a little birdie with info on this project?

Maybe they just realized the crane was too small.