People are driving like it’s a regular day here in Durham. The Duke Transit Service is still running.
Miami Beach is installing a cycle track on Ocean Drive by eliminating street parking and 2 way traffic. After it’s all restriped and painted, O.D. will be one way south with a cycle track, and a drop-off zone along the western curb for the hotels, restaurants, clubs, etc.
Nice - But how come it’s just a bunch of pedestrians, and no bikes on the cycle track?
Because they are still installing it. It’s only half done/painted. The one way road isn’t done either, hence why it’s just pedestrians everywhere right now.
Omaha, Nebraka will get 1) a streetcar using TIF financing. 2) a 40+ story Mutual of Omaha office tower
How will you be able to see the bike lanes when it snows this weekend? Oh…
You mean cocaine? Well, the city sweeps and cleans everything around 6AM.
There is currently quite a long article in the Financial Times called “How Miami Became the Most Important City in America” - you might find it interesting if you can find it/have a subscription.
OKC just fully opened what is essentially their own version of CAM (free entry contemporary arts museum), but with dance and theater space also included. Lovely exhibition building, and they integrated an old lightbulb factory into the campus as studios and offices for local artists.
Our friends over at Building Bull City had a great vison to convert The Durham Freeway to a Boulevard once East End Connector is completed.
I’m currently taking the vision to the next step and fully drawing it out.
Some features in the sketch are a boulevard side linear park with greenway from the Duke Hospital area to the Lakeland St ped bridge, around 20 potential development parcels due to the elimination of the on / off ramps, an innovative two-way center cycle track in the median.
Speaking of Durham, saw the new American Tobacco Campus expansion has a slick new website. Dubbed ATC 2.0, looks like Hines (group behind the Fenton) are the lead developers. Not exactly sure what’s considered a lifestyle grocer? Is that fancy way of saying a Whole Foods?
Maybe the Wegmans from the Fenton can go there instead LOL…
I guess Whole Foods could move from their smallish location now to there, but I don’t know if they would want to. Been dreaming about something similar for the Wade Ave one for years
As much as I love being the only city in North Carolina with one of these, I feel like an Alamo Drafthouse would kill here:
Agreed big time, it would crush it over there in Durham. If we had something like that on Fayetteville street, it would be amazing.
ADH off Newbern kind of feels temporary anyway. Maybe they’d consider moving to the right place downtown. I know that’s not a small feat but I’d hate to see a modern dining theater come in downtown and kill ADH.
That said, with BRT I’ll likely visit more often.