Show Off Things From Other Cities

I hate all the plastic grass going into ‘parks’. N. Hills has it too and I find it revolting.


Dix Park would like to say, why y’all trollin’ them birds for the kiddos in CaryLand_SprawlPark!?


I see you lean towards the Moore Square model of :poop:


I wasn’t comparing the two.

Converting the Soviet era brutalist architecture to a clearly more European-style.

Putin must love this

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Give us an example that you adore.

Palace Square - St. Pete’s

Love all the trees and greenery. I feel like I’m in a forest, not a city!

Definitely don’t get that park feeling with this:

But neither compares to this landscaping marvel in downtown Raleigh:


I stand corrected. Fayetteville Street is your style.


To be fair, when in The Hermitage, nobody really cares about what’s outside the building.


Hermits don’t like outsiders, so that makes sense.

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I mean, if we are talking about central squares, nothing beats Palace Square and Moore Square gets the job done. I also don’t think Moore Square and the Cary Park serve the same purpose so its not fair to compare the two.

If we are talking about urban parks in general - I can come up with a list a mile long that absolutely destroy that abomination in Cary. I prefer parks that are gardens - a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the city. The Cary park is way over activated with annoying children. Design overload. fake grass and shit pop/country music pumped throughout. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say I fucking hate that park.


I will agree with you that it is over programmed. There’s no where in there to just chill without being right next to a bunch of other people that are moving around and about.

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More square should absolutely have shade trees planted along the entire stretch of the arched walkway such that you can still view movie screens and concert stages to the south, but on other days where there’s no programming, the walkways and part of the lawn are partially shaded


It’s Cary. Most people who just want to chill by themselves would sit in their backyard. It’s supposed to be an active draw to bring people downtown to do fun things. That being said, we usually have no issue just sitting at the bar, watching the dogs play. It’s an easygoing vibe unless there’s some major event happening at the Park.


Yeah, I get it. However, just like Gucci said, us suburbanites just chill at home. If we want chaos, we seek chaos. Chaos does not seek us. Zen, namaste :pray:, the grass is greener and the peeps are cleaner in Chatham…:evergreen_tree::christmas_tree::seedling::deciduous_tree::cherry_blossom::blossom::hibiscus::woman_in_lotus_position:t4::rowing_man:t2::white_check_mark:


:bangbang: :nut_and_bolt: :woozy_face:


Fake plastic grass is always greener. Well at least until it fades from the sunlight.

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It just needs more shadows.


Oh no. It has begun. Now we have another contender not to be outdone for downtown of the year. Let the fun begin.