Sites 2 & 3, Omni CC Hotel + Tower

So you can’t have a drive through on a multi story building? I’m sure some architect can figure how to do that.

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FYI that building was built by a NC based construction company.

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same crap chick fil a wanted in cameron village. and you see what that created around noon. what a sh## SHOW!

Yeah, please god no.

Savannah actually has a McDonald’s on Broughton St. with a walk-up window, at least when I lived there. With plenty of office employees and university students in that area I’m sure they will still get business. Not everyone can afford a burger at Chuck’s for lunch every week.

Was just watching the city’s RFI video again from Leo’s site, and UGH!!! Who in the city is mis-feeding population data? There at the end of the video, it says Raleigh’s 2018 population was 458,862. That’s not the 2018 Census estimate. It’s 469,298.
While that’s only a 10,000+ difference, it’s just another example of the city allowing or actually feeding information that diminishes the city and metro. During the entire Amazon HQ process, the city didn’t contest the narrative that Raleigh’s metro was 1.2 million, while it was in fact about 1.3 million during the pitch. Also, I never once saw any story about the finalists that even mentioned that the Triangle’s population was over 2 million. All I ever read was that Raleigh was the smallest city to make the final 20…never mind that the Triangle is actually larger in population than Nashville, and in less land area.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!


If 2 skyscrapers eventually get built on these 2 blocks there is going to be an even bigger desire to redevelop the Lincoln Theatre/Pope House block. That block is going to look so out of place sooner than later with tall buildings being built all around it and that is prime location for another skyscraper. If they could at least move the Pope house to the east side of that block they could develop the entire west side of that block without losing Pope or Lincoln.


Sems they need a fact checker position to review promotional material. My guess right now (based on what we see) each department/group publishes details based on what they know even if years out of date.

Arrr EDIT to correct misplaced fingers

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Sure, cantilever something over the Pope House. That will insure the historicity of the property while still making good use of the airspace.

Image of the upcoming Nordstrom Tower on Billionaire’s Row.


FWIW, Raleigh’s 2016 estimate was 459,048. That was the last year that the estimate had a significant jump from the previous year (when it was 449,963). Coinciding with the council of no, the population estimate increases sank each subsequent year to present.

That building makes me nervous lol




When you shrink city staff and dole it out to different consulting firms (in this case JLL), you lose some of the consistency in data. Not saying using consultants is wrong but it’s been said other times here that JLL basically put this together.

And any serious developer or company will have their own data analysis done anyway, no matter what numbers were presented by the city/JLL

Thank you for the info… :smile:

One question for you, why does it “really” take so long for the Census info to come out once it is complete I mean…? I know it’s a weird question, but I that that at this point most stats are about filling in the database information and running the data once it is obtained? Assuming of course that all data should have a “you-must-respond-by-date”? Maybe I am just not being realistic here or has the census just not keep times/technology? :thinking:

The Census estimates for each year are based on July 1st. The normal cadence of the report for each year seems to go from largest to smallest “district” with state estimates reported first, followed by metro and municipal estimates. We’ve already had this past year’s state estimate, but haven’t seen metro and municipal numbers yet. The state estimate hints that estimated growth continues unabated for the Triangle and Charlotte, so expect Raleigh’s MSA number to be near 1.4 million, with the Triangle CSA adding about 40,000. As for Raleigh, if the growth rate trend continues downward, look for Raleigh’s estimate to be around 472-473,000. With all of the new DT construction, I’d expect Raleigh’s absolute growth numbers to start picking back up after all of these new projects are delivered downtown and in mid-town.


Not sure if this is way will be done this year. but 2010 was on paper and had to be entered. Either mail in forms or a Census worker making a visit to addresses that did not respond by mail. If there is an online way this year I’ve not heard of it. It is my understand the numbers between the decade Censuses are estimates done by random sampling not actual counts.

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There are different Census population estimates using different methodologies. Some people confuse them, and understandably as there are so many data sets. The American Community Survey goes to 1/40 households continuously throughout the year so unlike the decennial Census there’s not a single date and they are always processing new data. Then there’s the Current Population Estimate which is another form and should be what you see the media report. But as you can see people may confound the two (or others), hence the confusion. The ACS replaced the long form census and should be primarily used for demographic purposes, there’s a population estimate attached to it for % race/income/etc measurements. But the Current Population Survey is specifically targeted towards population (as a whole) estimate. It also doesn’t help that the ACS has a 1-year data set and 5-year data set. The 1 year data obviously uses a smaller data set, but more recent. The 5 year is the opposite. I believe the lag is do to quality control and the ongoing processing on incoming data. Fact Sheet: Differences Between ACS & CPS ASEC


The City Of Raleigh homepage has listed the RFI information for the 500+ hotel room / office tower .


Is there a specific link (this seems to only go to the main website) and is this referring to the new project: Sites 3 & 4, Convention Center Hotel + Tower

I think this is the one