Smoky Hollow Phases 1, 2, and 3

FYI. There’s a thread for the Future of Glenwood South that might accommodate this recent discussion. I’ve asked @jnl111 to class up though.


Thank you, dtraleigh, I wasn’t trying to piss @jnl111 off in any way, just that if folks move to Smoky Hollow expect to have noise coming from GS, or any of the surrounding apartments in the area along Glenwood South.

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All good. And because I can’t help it, yes, Dogwood opened in December 2017. :grimacing:


If one particularly wants a quieter apartment, I’d think that the Peace marketing folks could market the courtyard ones that way.

I have no idea if this is true,but potentially they might be talking about that space back there next to the former black flower. It seemed like that was being upfit for something. Did dogwood expand and take that over? Is that what this user is talking about maybe?

I think you are talking about “The Village” which connects from Peace street (Black Flower space and big outdoor area) to Glenwood. This was arguably the Cornerstone replacement when redevelopment plans came to the surface

Hello guys,

So Dogwood was apparently open since 2017. However…they have only recently re-opened from Corona. Moreover, as Loup20 correctly says, they have expanded from the empty space. I know bc I used to walk there and it was completely empty as far as maybe 1 month ago! I only moved in a few months max. Trust me it’s a new thing they are doing-they are trying to go big apparently…

btw they prematurely opened it up…as we are in phase 2.5. very concerning behavior and it’s no wonder they are breaking the sound limits now…

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Glenwood South neighborhood association has an agreement with all establishments on Glenwood and RPD to keep noise down. We are supposed to call the police. They scain 911 was ok. The send officers to measure the dB when they can (equipment is not easy to use). They do keep track of the number of complaints so complain often and get all your neighbors to complain. Also notify the Glenwood South neighborhood group so they are aware of the problem.


If you didn’t live in Raleigh pre covid, you might be very surprised of how loud Glenwood South is about to become when everything reopens. Brace yourself for music coming from Alchemy (probably the worst bar in Raleigh imo)


They are playing music outside like that because it’s safer than it is inside. It was a smart way to reopen and get their employees back to work. As others mentioned, Glenwood South is an entertainment district, and that corner is about to become louder when The Village opens and capacity limits are eventually abolished.

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Here is the site to file a noise complaint . It is generally better to call the business to ask them to turn down the music when it is too loud. Also fill out the online complaint form. If you do not get a satisfactory response, you can call 911 but realize noise complaints are not their highest priority. Dogwood was closed for many months due to COVID but has a kitchen and was able to reopen at this time. The outside seating area was added during COVID to allow for service in compliance with the Governors’ orders.


If there more places are having music outdoors instead of indoors on Glenwood due to COVID, then I for one would cry tears of pity for exactly nobody if bars are made to keep the volume down outside as mitigation. Asking some nighttime revelers to endure somewhat quieter music in order to still be able to go out registers as about a 0.0000001 on the 100 point level-of-sacrifice scale here.


Phase 2 is getting so close to being finished, project looks fantastic. I believe there is only about 2-3 months left until it’s a completed project.


I would love to know how many apartments in the Peace building Kane has leased. I wonder if it’s significantly less than planned or not too bad.

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I was in 511 Faye the other day, they are super nice by the way, and Inasked the agent how full they were. She said they were over 50% now.


those do look nice, I didn’t see them advertised. Are there offices in that building?

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Just so that you know, you can just go back into your post and completely edit it, instead of deleting one and then writing another one. I hope this helps. I am truly only trying to be helpful, not sarcastic or anything.


Smoky Hollow photos took just an hour ago.
Having trouble getting the others off my phone, but will update with more when I do.


ok thanks, I don’t know sometimes I delete some of mine, I say things that I am like maybe I shouldn’t say…alll good thanks!

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