You can also start to see a lot of sidewalk space between that paved street and the building. Once the street trees mature, it should make for a very nice area. There might be some traffic cause it’s close to Capital but there aren’t very many office towers in there yet so it might be highly-residential area for awhile.
I cropped it out of the picture, but two large dumpsters appeared in the parking lot of the bldg where the Board of Elections was until about a year ago. I believe Kane and Williams own that and some adjacent properties as well. Maybe the early stages of those buildings getting demolished??
It’s been obvious through several recently completed projects that the city’s requirement for wider sidewalks will have a significant impact on downtown’s future. In particular, when new mega projects like this are completed, that impact will be immediately obvious.
I think so. There was a lot of work done early on burying cables and pipes. I think that was in preparation for that. The renderings I have seen has it connected. I think the focus now is getting this part complete to start serving as the peace street exit so they can get the old peace street exit closed so they can open the half of the new bridge that is complete to two way traffic. Then, take down the other half of the old bridge to build the second half of the new one.
The new grid will service half of the new ultimate build out (South Bound Capital) but that old bridge is where the new drop down exit/entrance will be for North Bound. The WB Peace to NB Capital is ok where it is in the meantime but the NB Capital to any part of Peace will either require a detour or a temporary interchange farther east where that spoils pile is. My guess is detour using Jones to Person. I love trying to figure out construction sequences for some reason…
An awesome picture! A truly expensive view of the full two projects, my thanks!
Now, if you were able to get a somewhat regular picture of the FNB being built on Fayetteville st…
@RobertSanderlin, I bet @OakCityDylan may be able to help with the FNB pics. I’ll post another of this view when noticeable progress is made. One more floor on the Peace bldg and the flashing lights of the “sweepstakes” eyesore (NE corner of Peace and West) will disappear from my view . @Mark, thanks for the roadway / bridge clarification.
TBJ article this morning, John Kane bought the last of the land needed for phase 2. (Already owns the land for phase 3). comments made it should be mostly office space/ground floor retail. I think we may see 20+ stories on this phase.
I think I’m due to grab some aerial shots of both projects here soon. I’ll try to get out there mid week as I’m in Dallas today and out of town again Wednesday-Monday (and don’t plan to fly a drone in a hurricane). LOL
Phase 2 land is approx 3.6 acres! I would hope this would be two buildings and hope they punch Tucker St through to Harrington. Although this would mean just giving away 0.5 acre of right-of-way to the city. For reference, Kane’s NH 20 story office + 32 story residential/hotel two tower project is on 2.6 acres.
Based on iMaps ownership info, looks like the development team has ~2.4 acres directly east of “Peace”. That is before however much land gets eaten up with the new Capital Blvd bridge.
This will eventually make the entry into DTR from the north more interesting. Now if we could just get rid of the Days Inn and put in my big fountain (with the Light and Time tower in the middle of it, haha) there