Smoky Hollow Phases 1, 2, and 3

Really glad to see the deck is wrapped in apartments on three sides. I wonder why all the tall buildings in Raleigh are going residential on top of office? Not quite sure what it means. It seems like accommodating both uses in a single high rise would complicate things, in terms.of infrastructure and systems, although I suppose there could be some synergy in terms of sharing parking. I wonder if this points to there not being enough demand in DT Raleigh for a single use high rise of either? At any rate it does provide all-day activity that can really help retail work. Restaurants do better if they can have brisk business for both lunch and dinner.


Though the DTRs office demand is strong, thereā€™s not enough big time anchors that could fill up a large office tower like we see constantly going up in Charlotte. I feel like the residential demand has got to be getting there though for a 30+ story all residential tower soon.


Bonner mentioned last night that they donā€™t do reserved parking anywhere cause shared parking between office and residential works very well. (which makes sense as residents mostly leave during the day and office workers are there only during the day)


Itā€™s not even that itā€™s not the ā€œfinalā€ design; itā€™s just not a design at all yet.
This diagram is the equivalent of someone cutting blocks of foam and stacking them together to see how they can organize the building uses. Itā€™s the pre-design phase.

Once the building enters design, it could easily end up having chamfered or curved corners, or the tower could shift to another shape altogether, or they could cantilever one mass over the other for some drama - the possibilities are endless.

But yeah, the parking sucks.


Were there any indications about what the ground floor, street facing, retail component might look like? Or is Phase II going to be the retail home run for the three phases all working as a single development?

They basically said that itā€™s too soon to know specifics since they need approval for the rezoning before they can proceed to designing the building. But they did indicate ground floor retail as the first level. I guess we just have to wait and see. And hope the rezoning works out


Do we know when this proposal will be in front of City Council? Would be great to have some people there just to show some YIMBY support.


I believe May 7, unless it gets pushed.

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I THINK the next step is for council to see the rezoning, possibly May 7 Iā€™ll check the agenda as soon as itā€™s published, and then the council has to decide, generally, one of three things:

  1. whether it go back to planning commission (cause they didnā€™t like it)
  2. do nothing (kick it to a future meeting, keep talking)
  3. schedule a public hearing to allow folks to give feedback

I imagine #3 is likely to happen but you never know with this council.

When a public hearing date is set, we should organize.


Cool, thanks. My biggest concern with these huge developments, is making sure there is lots of ground level, street fronting retail. Kane is great at it, but I want to continue ti see that urban fabric of it, and not little pods with unfriendly voids in between.

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Option #3???
This ā€œstructure/complex/building will effect mostly those whom showed up at the CAM meeting? Why waste time/money to have ā€œotherā€ meetings? Doesnā€™t the council actually rely on those and the Planning meeting? Waste of time or just trying to make political points R/D either way???

Option #4 - council to call Louis Cherryā€™s neighbors to get their feedback on modern design, height and the best way to laugh when challenged

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I was always a little confused as why they made the left side of this rendering seem so much taller? Unless Iā€™m missing something?

I always assumed it was larger floor to floor distances due to use (residential vs office).


Thatā€™s the 9 floor office building. Apartment buildings are 6 or 7 floors.

I know apartments are stretching all the way to the west. But I thought it just looks strange they make the rendering of the office portion look so much taller. When in reality the whole building tops out evenly.

The building you circled is at 441 N Harrington. Phase 2. A block south of current building under construction.


Oh true :thinking: I always thought that was where the 40 story rezonining was going.

That makes a lot more sense now. Thanks @mike

I donā€™t see how 9 floors of commercial will top out at the same as 6 of resi.

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