there goes the rabies lab
Crazy they are drilling pilings and still no renderings.
I keep forgetting about this project. Thanks for the update. It’s the most mysterious construction downtown, since we don’t really know what we’re getting!
Very cool and thank you!
All these pictures of the ̶d̶i̶r̶t̶ construction site are great, and I appreciate y’all but… can we get a damn rendering of what the hell they’re building here please??? LOL
Progress…on the site that will soon contain the gargantuan, soon to be monolithic piece of architecture that no one seems to know what the finished project is supposed to even look like. But, progress nonetheless!
Well, at least we aren’t going to be disappointed by a beautiful proposal, that gets value engineered down to mundane, and then never starts…
I almost hope they put a curtain wall for construction so the anticipation can build until we see the final finished project. I’d probably be ok with that if this wasn’t a) public money b) going to be there for like a century.
It’s going to look like a massive middle finger, pointed away from the Statehouse and towards downtown
I’m certainly not expecting it to be as architecturally interesting as the museum complex across the street, but I hope it’s better than the state buildings on the government mall.
I think those mall buildings are more interesting than they’re given credit for, and they use some really nice materials that I doubt this one will. All of that nice stone looks beautiful at sunset.
The problem is that the moat of state parking lots, and the state’s own aversion to putting anything besides offices in their buildings, means no one is around to activate Halifax Mall, and the street side feels like a wasteland. This new complex solves none of those problems (and takes down a pretty attractive and restrained modern building to do it), so I don’t see how it’ll be any different.
Well the good news is that there has been absolutely no public oversight on costs - it didn’t even go out for public bid! But Paul Coble and the absolutely not corrupt Assembly leadership have assured us that it will be a great value and look great, so I guess we have no choice but to believe them.
And our useless local media has not said almost anything about it. If Cooper or Stein had dreamed up a multimillion dollar building in secret the N&O would still be wetting their pants about it. Absolute banana republic shit
At least he’s protecting us from any potential *shudders" ground floor retail on this entire block
Maybe they can tackle our BRT project next…
It will be hush-hush, and when it’s done, the road will be two lanes wider with more curbside parking. Crosswalks will be eliminated because it slows down drivers.