Surveys on surveys on surveys

At least if this is like Six Forks, that one lane wouldn’t come until 2045 anyway

I had no idea their proposal was to turn Capital into a full blown highway with a 65mph speed limit!
I somewhat support this, but the more you think about it, the amount of construction to change all the single use driveways with a service road would be extensive. It would make traveling from my house downtown to tracks north in Henderson quicker.

Here’s a quote from the article:
“The department is planning to turn Capital Boulevard into a freeway between Raleigh and Wake Forest The 10-mile freeway would be six lanes wide, with 12-foot shoulders and a concrete median and a 65 mph speed limit. It will also get rid of stop lights and driveways to help ease bumper to bumper traffic.”

The video in the article states this is already a done deal and construction of Phase 1 start in 2025, Wow


Can we run a train down the middle of it?


I lived right off of Capital on Thornton for 9 years… sitting in bumper to bumper traffic daily was no fun. But it was already in the plans years and years ago. A little disappointing it is currently only running from 540 to Durant/Perry Creek, but eventually all the way to WF. While I hate to perpetuate sprawl, those 10 miles are brutal (from someone who had to sit in it every day).

At this point I have no dog in this fight since we moved to NW Raleigh 5 years ago… but another thought here… Capital Boulevard (AKA US-1) is a MAJOR East Coast Highway (secondary only to I-95) running from Maine to Miami (and beyond) and the “gateway” into Raleigh from the north. If any road needs to be upgraded to a true highway, this would be it.


Capital is arguably the worst stroad in Raleigh. Another lane would only make it worse.

It’s unfixable. Should focus on getting more people on transit. BRT expansion and dense infill at the nodes. I’m gonna sound like a broken record but Raleigh needs to get radical about this.


The “freeway” portion of US 1 stops at 540, getting from 540/Triangle Town Center into the actual City is a whole different ball of wax, and I agree there are no easy fixes here. All those aging strip malls and Mini City in particular need to be razed, densified, and tied into a BRT/light rail/monorail/hyperloop of some sort to really get it under control.


A new community survey is out, this time regarding the Northern BRT corridor route options:

Direct link:


We are 4 more studies until we move to the preliminary design phase, so optimistically 20 years from construction!

Request for public comment on some proposed amendments to the Wake Transit Work Plan. In broad strokes, the amendments are:

  • Additional contingency ($8.5M) for the New Bern Ave BRT in light of increased costs
  • Increase in yearly budget for the 21 bus to increase frequency (from the current 30-60 minute headways down to 15-30 minute headways)

New text change comment form Clean Transportation Ordinance (TC-3-23) - PublicInput

  • Require EV charging infrastructure in new development for the following uses: multifamily residential, hotels, standalone parking, and vehicle fuel sales.
  • Prohibit new drive-thru facilities in downtown and other walkable areas, specifically in zones with urban frontages or that are zoned Office Mixed Use.
  • Require pedestrian paths in new developments where new full streets are not required and require pedestrian connections to greenways and from dead ends and cul-de-sacs.

Now let’s try to figure out how to get rid of the drive-thrus that already exist in the downtown footprint!
While it’s easy to draw an objective line around the downtown boundary, how is the city going to determine “other walkable areas”?


2055 MTP survey!


Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA) annual survey is available for feedback:

Annual Survey


I wrote-in a “publication” that I read. Any guesses?

City of Raleigh on Twitter/X:

:wave: Live/commute along S. Wilmington St. in #Raleigh? Take our survey to tell us what you’d like to see including:

:deciduous_tree: public + open spaces
:walking_man: new sidewalks + upgraded street crossings
:bike: investments in cycling routes”




Survey for new bike lanes on St. Mary’s Street (north of Peace St.) when it is resurfaced later this year. They’re already forgoing a section of the potential northbound bike lane in order to keep the parking spaces, and it seems a number of community members have already made their opinions known on this survey and are quite concerned about any potential loss of car space.

Saint Mary’s Street Bikeway Project - Resurfacing - PublicInput


This is why we can’t have nice things…


Well I guess time will tell but if we are truly wanting to move to a more bike and pedestrian friendly city, then we have to provide the infrastructure. Put up or shut up. :grumpy_cat:


Yikes… happy to share support for this, please consider it y’all


I voted n support.

I love the comments like " Why do we need bike lanes, i drive every day and no one ever rides a bike there".

Like - maybe because there’s no bike lane.