Surveys on surveys on surveys

The one(s) claiming St. Marys is “dangerous” for bike riders are hilariously brain-dead to me. It’s literally one of the nicest, least busy, and relaxing streets to bike down already lmao. Bike lanes would just make it even more so.


I’ve biked down St. Mary’s. I don’t prefer it on my regular bike, but the ebike has been fine. There’s really nothing being changed such as lanes or parking and people are still against it. I would like it on both sides, but that would lose the parking. If people are complaining without losing parking I can only imagine when the parking is lost.

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I should also clarify I have an e-bike as well haha. Still, point stands! It’s not “dangerous” as some people are claiming, and bike lane(s) would only make it that much safer, so what a ridiculous statement.


would a question like “i support “a” saint marys bike project but not as it is currently proposed” have clarified and maybe got more percentage points?

Survey for the new Greenway system map: Greenway Wayfinding & System Map Update - PublicInput

More info: Capital Area Greenway System Wayfinding Plan |


Wake Transit Plan 2035 update survey:

If you click on the “Comment Here” button it’ll take you to a publicinput survey, however it seems the demographics input section is locked. But if you click “Continue,” you can fill out the next section which seems to be the primary component of the survey, asking about spending priorities.

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I filled out the survey, but man the way it was designed feels limiting. Very frustrating


I did too! I think that they were forcing priorities. I spent all of my 10 bucks.


Yeah - this was a very poorly designed survey.

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I wanted to double up on some.

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Cross posting this here as well.


Downtown Mobility Study survey.


Express your preference for new transportation projects in NCDOT’s STIP here: MetroQuest (Lots of transit/bike/ped projects listed.)

The N.C. Department of Transportation is inviting the public to provide feedback on the quantitative scores and preliminary local input points assignments for the transportation projects for the upcoming 2026-2035 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is developed under the Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) law, which established the Strategic Mobility Formula.

As part of this effort, NCDOT is hosting 14 regional outreach sessions (flier) across the state between June 18 and July 10 to gather input on the locally identified priorities and points assignment methodologies. These sessions will help shape the Draft STIP due next year. You can find a short video about this outreach effort at: Feel free to share this link.

If you are unable to attend a session in person, you can view and show your support for projects, as well as submit your comments electronically via MetroQuest at The site is now live. MetroQuest is an interactive public input tool that allows you to choose your priorities and express your concerns. All comments, no matter how they are submitted, carry the same weight. All information along with links to the MetroQuest site can be found at NCDOT: 2026-2035 STIP Development.


NC CAMPO transit priorities survey: