Tempo by Hilton Hotel & Homewood Suites

not all buildings get names

Wtf this some b omg make no sense

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That must be tough to deal with

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just Saw a big batch of chik-fil-a big wigs going up !!! wooooooooo hopefully the lords chicken prevails and we get to see the biggest restaurant go up down town

From my :bird:'s eye view, it also looks like they might (finally) be in the home stretch with the brick siding. Didn’t see any chik’n or chik’n execs, though.


Realizing there are some closer up shots of the new sign but nothing from this angle or distance.



I think we hurt their feelings because the hotel color scheme now looks a lot better with the black/grey bricks and white vs the beige of the render.


Have they glassed up the lobby yet? @GucciLittlePig keeps squealing about that, and it mean they are getting close.

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They have not, at least when I went by Tuesday night. Still just a big gaping hole.

Chick-Fil-A pulled out of the deal :frowning:

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They decided it was too urban. Switched focus to new twin-turbo triple drive thru model


I heard it was going to be a double decker drive-thru.

actually… you’ll drop off your car at valet and then they will walk you through the history of chick-fil-a, through the wonderful all inclusive museum located on the 14th floor runs about 2 hours for full tour, while your order is being made. then your car will be brought back by the cow mascot with your food in the vehicle ready to go along with a $500 gift card for the first 5 people . then youll use the state of the art vehicle lift located on level 4 to have your car lowered off the side of the building. pretty lengthy process just for sum nugget but im very excited to see the museum they have for us. , they have talks about integrating a fine dining waffle house maybe to give it an atlanta vibe ???

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You guys sure do love some Chick Fil A


I think this is a weirdly important development. This part of DT is sort of a ghost town. It will at least give us a few hundred people a day looking to walk to shop, eat etc. Will also be a great hotel for people doing Red Hat shows as well.


This part has me most interested because it was never part of the original hotel plans and it’s purpose is still pretty much unknown, but it could add to the walkable stuff to do around this hotel:


Those accents … They are similar…



It is a Comedy club/bar.


Yes, I saw that too. Better shade, more teal, and use here.