The Fairweather and other condos on S. Harrington

We have something similar or related to this in (under) our building (West). Well at least I know we have to pay to have something down under inspected each year.

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It must be a city-thing to get y’all’s sterm filtered. Out here in the sticks we just use raw sterm. :grin:


Is it governed under some sort of General stormwater permit? How much impervious surface kicks in these things if a permit governs them? I’d be interested to read when they kick in and what the compliance requirements are.

You could look at City of Raleigh UDO Section 9.2.1 if you’re really interested in the details.

There are a fairly elaborate set of regulations governing stormwater. “Any” new impervious surface has to be addressed, both through runoff volume and water quality. It doesn’t always require a BMP or a buydown, but you have to show how you’re meeting the code.

Well, at least when the FNB crane comes down we won’t be craneless downtown. :joy:


That’s fantastic, I’m also hoping we may see cranes soon at Smokey hollow phase 2.


Do they leave the base of these cranes :building_construction: in the building when they take them down?


I was wondering the same thing. It does appear the base is within the footprint of the building, not aside it.

Tower cranes have stools for each of the four legs which are cast into the foundation, but they place the first vertical truss to plumb it up.

They can get the first truss out, but the stools and foundation will almost always remain.


Thanks, @matth and welcome to the community!

Ditto @matth to @OakCityDylan.

IMHO Smokey Hollow will be done sooner than we think. Kane is a Wild Man.


Crane going up today over the Fairweather. Will we see 3 or 4 more cranes airborne by the end of 2019?


That’s an either or question right? Will it be 3 cranes or 4 cranes? :grinning:

Smokey Hollow, 301 Hillsborough and Two Glenwood are at least 3.

I’m hoping the Nexus will bring it to 4.


I think the very early crane parts are in the works at Smoky Hollow Phase 2. Pop over to that topic (Smok(e)y Hollow) to see a pic (not skilled enough to point you there).

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What in God’s name is the fairweather

Which part looks like crane stuff? I don’t think I see it. I want to see it tho! LOL

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The title of this thread, and a condo project.

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