The Fairweather and other condos on S. Harrington

I think the red thing is a crane base used to build a bigger crane and I think the green things are crane power units. I could be all wrong.


based on post on Downtown Hotels may be 5 if one for Nash Square hotel.



I can see the top of the crane from my house which should mean that I should be able to see the building once it’s finished. Can’t wait to see this come out of the ground.


Hahahahaha wow. What a name for a condo, and even a better name for a construction project.

Thank you. I came up with it myself.

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Ah gotcha. That would certainly make sense, but I have no expertise to confirm or deny that.

This is Smokey Phase II, but I believe you’re looking at a drill rig for deep foundations (auger-cast piles). It looks like auger bits on the tractor trailer.

They’ve finished the majority of the site work, so they’re beginning foundation work. It makes sense that at least the office of Phase II is on deep foundations given that Phase I was. They’ll try to place the piles for the tower crane first, but it’ll be a bit before we see anything above ground with that.

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I’m pretty sure it’s named after the previous land owners


Darn @matth. I can’t make stuff up anymore!

That is correct. The building is named after the family that owned that plot and I believe still own more of that same block.

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Two cranes on Hillsborough St too across from Cup a Joe.


I’m not super familiar with foundation design, but those are some older alluvial soils in there…it was a wide river at some point in the past I read somewhere…anyway, I assume alluvial soils are not super stable and therefore deeper piles are required…?

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The office component will certainly have high enough loads that shallow foundations using spread footings likely became too large and hence the switch.

And as you pointed out, this is quite possibly a floodplain, with most of those soils being deposits from that, which are typically extremely soft. If that’s the case, then the whole site including the residential podium component may be on deep foundations to essentially “bridge” down deeper to stiff soils or rock. Deep foundations are essentially underground columns.


Ha, don’t let me stop you!

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There are some good exposures of Raleigh Gneiss all along Pigeon House north of the site. This is weird little bowl where the creek was forced to turn 90 degrees suddenly which sounds like something hitting a sheeted dyke might do or possibly some other harder rock unit. I’d be curious to know what is actually down there. This is all along the old ‘Africa’/‘North America’ boundary so things change rapidly underground here.


Which site are you referring to? The Fairweather?

Uh…crap! Apparently on both of my comments I thought I was on Smoky Hollow. I am tired…similar geology at Fairweather though near the wedge where Rocky Branch and Walnut Creek come together.


Looks like the woman’s shelter plot rezoning request is going in front of city council for public comment on July 2nd, same as Kane Smoky Hollow Phase 3.


Construction Update: Nothing New, but progress is being made.

(album, 5 photos)