Did you hear a drone overhead while you were there? Lol. I was on Harrington taking some shots too.
401 W Cabarrus 12 story rezoning case:
The rezoning case is Consistent with the relevant policies in the Comprehensive Plan,
and Approval of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest.
(Approving zoning amendment)
“I move to adopt the proposed Consistency Statement dated July 2,
2019 contained in the agenda materials and to approve the zoning
Comprehensive Plan Consistency Statement
July 2, 2019
Zoning case no. Z-8-19
Address: 401 W Cabarrus Street, 505 S West Street, and 510 S Harrington Street
Applicant: Molly Stuart, Morningstar Law Group
After considering the policies, maps, and other materials included as a part of the
comprehensive plan, the Council determines that the proposed zoning amendment
is CONSISTENT with the comprehensive plan and other adopted plans and should
The action taken is reasonable and in the public interest because:
- The request will provide more opportunities for hotel and housing options in
downtown; and - The request would allow greater land use intensity in the urban core of
Raleigh with extremely high access to transit and employment options.
I second the motion.
I third (the motion).
I made the motion to support this in the Central CAC meeting, and the attorney from Morningstar recently called me to see if I would be willing to speak in favor if this at the 7/2 meeting. I don’t think they’re taking anything for granted with this council.
Like many others on this forum, I plan to attend. Now comes the hard part – we must actually attend and be heard.
Discussing this rezoning now at council.
Rezoning passes unanimously.
Also, nice to meet @JDenny tonight!
I’m very happy this got passed. But how is this not gentrification when Peace 3 is? Sigh… At least we got 2 wins today
Thanks Leo - great to me you and a handful of other regular commenters too. I look forward to staying engaged.
--------------Existing Zoning Request Update---------------
Remarks: 0.61 AC FROM DX-5-UL TO DX-12-UL-CU
Status: Approved 7-2-19
Plan URL: https://www.raleighnc.gov/content/PlanDev/Documents/Zoning/Rezoning/RezoningCases/2019/Z-008-19.pdf
Status changed from “PH 7-2-19” to “Approved 7-2-19”See status abbreviations and sources at the topic’s header.
I gotta tell you, I talked to the gentleman that runs the Helen Wright Center | Urban Ministries of Wake County on this block last night after the CC meeting and he was at a loss for words almost with joy with this ruling. The ministry has already purchased land outside the beltway off New Bern (BRT planned path) with construction under way to double their size. They’re getting $800k as a result of that ruling for their part of that .61 acres. He said the place now is a dump and cost a lot to keep up. I’m super happy for him and the things they’re doing for our community.
Updates construction pics. Monarch Reality also has a “construction camera” (Nest camera really) on the roof of the adjacent building of anybody wants to snoop.
[Live Cam] (Construction Updates — Condos For Sale in Raleigh NC — The Fairweather)
Scroll down a bit to see the cam.
A fun shot of the crane and DTR skyline.
Wow actually FNB building looks fantastic from this angle. I’ve been noticing it more and more in the WRAL backdrop in that eastern perspective. The light hits the glass nicely.
Not me. I was bald!!
Not me, I had a mullet! Oh wait, that was the 80’s…
Never had a mullet in the 80s but I did dabble with the porn-stache.
Awesome picture! Thank you!
By the way, I really have to give it to you, you’re always “on”!!! Lol