The future of Caswell Square

Me to, save me one, Friends and I just to live just down the street and would go there several times a week for late dinner and set around drinking coffee and shooting the breeze for hours. Oh and flirt with the waiters.

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These building were absolutely not “beyond repair.”


Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Most people don’t care about stuff like this.

Still waiting to see what becomes of that IHOP. …

I thought the plans for it were a really ugly nearly Soviet style apartment building.

All those apartment buildings they’re putting up behind it are so uniform and UGLY.


Yeah they’re terrible looking. I’m just like, why?!


Why? …because they are inexpensive to build and maximize short term profits.


Also as Michael Jordan says


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I’m seeing a lot of demolition happen downtown that really risks having nothing in the pipeline for the foreseeable future. It’s one thing to lose a historic property when there is a dense replacement coming online (coming from an urbanist perspective here), another when it will be an overgrown grass lot. Nothing contributes to an urban environment like history does - think of any urban setting you love - history is organically embedded into that place. I think many of the hotels that are planned (for instance) will not get built now, after COVID. It will be one of the hardest hit industries for sure. Hoping that is not the case!


Based on pictures and type of trash on floors, my guess is buildings are being moved to keep from being homeless shelters.

So this might be a topic for a different thread but I’ve been thinking about that too especially since a certain REIT has a proclivity for squatting on parcels around downtown. What can the city do to discourage or even prevent developers from just demolishing existing structures, squatting on the parking and then building or flipping the land when values have increased? I’m guessing the General Assembly has handcuffed what cities can do to prevent people from doing this but does a city have to approve parking on a lot or is the owner free to do whatever they want with a parcel?
I’d like to see some of these used in some sort of active way beyond parking. Maybe a pop up park, some sort of food truck corral or something inventive.


Maybe switching to a land value tax system would discourage this trend?


Oh man, just imagine if they would have been able to expand their empire by purchasing these three buildings.

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This is my worry, too. By my count this is the fourth lot with ~something~ on it that has been demolished in the past few weeks. Two of those lots are supposed to be hotels, and I don’t know anyone who would go to construction on a hotel until you can be sure the convention industry is coming back, and that’s probably the last thing that is going to come back.

I usually do. Just not this time in particular

Steam tunnel or maybe a secret lair?


Oral Hygiene is coming down.


god WHY???

Too many cavities.:frowning: