William Peace and Seaboard Station

Logan’s shared this online:


While cool, also means a 2025 start date for the two 20-story tower project, at earliest. At least the current project should be completed (hopefully including the Phase 3 behind the currently finished building, also).




That intersection is realllllly going to need a signal once this is complete.

tHiNk Of AlL tHe TrAfFiC!


I was thinking bike lanes on Peace


How about a roundabout? :eyes:

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I would love to see this section over to Person be one lane w/ a turn lane and bike lanes.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s how it is now because of the state government worker traffic.


I see LOTS AND LOTS OF POTENTIAL in the foreground of this shot :eyes:


And take away valuable parking spots? How dare you?! /s

Had lunch at Bad Daddy’s today and enjoyed seeing concrete trucks, gravel trucks and trucks with pieces of parking deck lined up and orchestrated while the cranes spun above. Such a pleasant sight that I had to drop by Krispy Kreme on my way back to north Raleigh (which I hope will be called Uptown in 15-20 years).


Nice. I was actually next door for lunch today, trying those tacos. That place is good. Just wish I could get a beer alongside them. Maybe Hunky Dory is cool with bringing over grub? I’ll have to remember that next time.


Took a little walk over to this area today from Smokey Hollow. Not too much has changed but here are some pics anyway:

The Seaboard Station area will be phenomenal when it all comes together. However, I still feel like it is very disconnected from other city neighborhoods – particularly downtown/CBD and Glenwood South. You still have some very pedestrian unfriendly land use along Peace St. (particularly the gas station), and I almost got hit twice (!) by two different cars turning left into the Jersey Mike’s strip mall building.

However, I feel like it’s only a matter of time before that all gets developed; the bigger issue, IMO, is Peace Street itself. First, right at the front door of Seaboard you’re greeted with this intersection:

(P.S. are there any plans for redevelopment of the state owned property across the street?)

And then the sidewalks under the railroad bridge are pretty small and dirty. Just a generally unpleasant experience walking towards/away from the development area.

Peace Street has all the makings of a quality urban main street, but it’s missing the “street” part of that. It feels more like walking next to a highway on foot. The traffic is nuts, and I’m not really sure what could be done about that, but I hope that sometime in the future there’s a plan.


Man, those giant parking decks make a great first impression! LOL. I know they’ll be surrounded by buildings, but man it’s quite the adjustment over the old buildings in the interim.

So, I only ever drive there. It still feels disconnected. I’m not sure I like what it’s going to be, but I’ve kind of given up being annoyed by it, and am trying to just hope it’ll be better than I expect. My concern is it’s going to be just single height blocks of residential/hotel with empty ground floor retail spaces, separated from the rest of downtown.

I like the fountain! Does this count as a DTR water feature?!


Wasn’t it reported that the retail is already 50% leased out? Or is that my imagination?

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I definitely hope it can replicate the original’s really good set of independent dining/retail, versus the Charlotte North vibe that Smoky Hollow currently has going.

Otherwise, it was already single height in the sense that it was basically a strip mall with good tenants. I’ll take that single height going up to 6-8 stories with people living in them!


Peace is too wide and foreboding in this particular section for Seaboard to feel connected to the rest of downtown. Having the government mall and that parking monstrocity basically across Peace doesn’t help either.


Not sure why Raleigh can not make Peace street streetscape improvements more of a priority. They had a head start with the capital bvld bridge. Build some sidewalks plant some trees, put in a bike line for the bike nerds and call it a day.


I agree that landscaping and sidewalks improvements would be welcomed, but they alone won’t solve the chasm situation created by the state placing priority of moving cars between (to and from) their parking garages and Capital Blvd via Peace.
We learned about this priority/resistance many years ago when a small group of us led by @dtraleigh tried to get the intersection of Peace and Capital to be at grade.