Zoning and Density

I get your point, but…

Pot”A”to - Pot”O”to

I have no doubt a 1-5 “Million Dollar” (with Dr. Evil air quotes) house has all the top notch custom features and amenities on the inside, but from the outside they all look more or less the same. All painted bright white, 3 floors, golf course lawn, and a few token trees.

They are “ruining the character” of my neighborhood. Which used to look (when we moved here) not too different from what Brentwood looks like now.

Lol that’s the problem, we’ve hardly had any additional housing types added in Raleigh with the exception of expensive to build 5 over ones with parking garages! Which is the exact problem the missing middle text change fixes!

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Maybe the neighborhood isn’t right for you anymore if it’s going in a direction you don’t like? It’s not going to stop. Cash Out as people often say…

I live in NH. I cut down about 14 trees on my own property - including one that dropped a huge limb through my roof during Matthew. Living right under huge old trees isn’t really that great.


First off, 39k in 1977 (picked a random year in that decade) works out to 200k in 2023 money after adjusting for inflation. So we’re likely more than double that today.

What could we have done to maintain prices in that realm?

  1. Intentionally torpedo our regional economic growth to stifle demand
  2. Implement some sort of hukou system that restricts who is allowed to move where (who gets to decide? Electeds? Bureaucracy? “The Community?”) so that the pool of potential buyers is smaller
  3. Some sort of rent/price control system that favors incumbents but winds up with massive wait lists
  4. Build tons and tons of housing so that demand keeps pace with supply. But remember that construction without demolition + densification means sprawl!

Nahh. I like the neighborhood. My comment about ‘Ruining the character of the neighborhood’ was made somewhat in jest, as that is the common NIMBY rallying cry whenever a new development is proposed anywhere. I do think all the pure white cookie cutter houses impact the neighborhood character more than another 20 story building in North Hills, or an ADU in someone’s backyard. But I don’t get too worked up about it.


My mom complains all the time about all the recently white painted houses in her neighborhood too (North Ridge). I’m like, it’s just paint!

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I feel for her, the paint will eventually turn yellowish brown in no time. Especially since our trees will be bloomed nearly all year long in the very near future.

Yes, clearly nobody suffers quite like she does having to look at all those kept up houses and such.


New NIMBY yard signs just dropped

“I think a handful of luxury designer townhomes on one plot of land will ruin my neighborhood so here’s 100 bright yellow pieces of future landfill garbage littered around the entire neighborhood.”
-dumb assholes


I am really interested in the price point these come out at. Situation seems really different from Hayes Barton and the way they are on the lot probably keeps the price down some too. Hoping for $500,000 or lower. Which would make these very competitive (cheaper) than flipped homes in the area. Hard to see someone paying more for one for the townhomes in the back than people are paying for stand along Single Family Homes.


I think that they are more like $2M each. Oh the horror. There goes the neighborhood.

That would be a big step up market for this developer. Portfolio

And the site plan doesn’t look $2,000,000 a unit to me. Plus Hayes Barton already has $2,000,000+ homes. This area does not.


I wonder…is there a NO sign in the yard at 519 ?

Seriously. Decent townhouses in Oakwood/Mordecai still rarely crack $1mm, and Belvedere Park/Woodcrest isn’t there yet.

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It looked like someone just put on right next to the street in every yard on the street. It’s kind of comical how short the street it. Like literal Not In My Back/side/front Yard stuff.

Sypher did the reno at 519 and is the developer of 528 towns. Just curious…

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I almost wonder if this was one person putting them in these people’s yards, which I would think would be against some sort of law…

[anyone on DTRaleigh Community posting about NIMBYs]




More importantly how illegal is it to take them out of peoples yards and throw them in the trash… not that I’ve done that or anything…

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