See also Charter Square in early 2010s…
Would’ve loved it if they took alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this extra time to reassess and build even slightly taller now that there’s no height limit. Honestly seems dumb not to…
So 4% done per year. 400H should break ground in about 25 years!!! Let’s go!
Last years permit submittal before project put on hold. Being resubmitted to COR as a fresh review
Can you tell if their site plans have changed? have they gone for more height or rezoning for more floors?
Nothing has changed with the building design or size
So incredibly dumb and shortsighted. Alllllllllllllllllllll this time, and now height restrictions removed, and they’re still going with the short box.
$$$. need someone with deeper pockets. They probably already had this building planned out for years. I think we’re on the cusp of seeing some taller buildings (SH3 and 595 Capital) and maybe some of these other lots.
Buildings cost $$$$ that is financed by lenders with more on their minds than skyline views. Raleigh will see some taller structures sooner rather than later but 20 stories “cost wise” is a sweet spot for much of the current development in DT
The building was already designed. A developer is not going to spend the money to make it taller, especially since the number of stories would not change.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Possible New Development Locations and Projects
400H is a go! Contractor has given go ahead to proceed
Yeah another building to our growing skyline.
Do you have any idea what the timeline would be for demolition to start or construction to begin? Excellent news if this is finally moving forward!
301, 400, and 501 Hillsborough. Hopefully should create a nice corridor of new street level activity
While 301 and 400 are the same height, they have very different shapes / design elements that I think play off each other well. Excited to see how this and 501 plus phase 2 of 301 shape up. Combined with hopefully some soon to come ground floor tenants at bloc 83 this will be a really cool area.
Now all we need is to cap the railroad tracks in this area and create a linear park!
Is this still the most recent render?
I think so. That was the latest one I found scrolling up and the picture on the board at the lot still.
Not bad. I think I like it better than 301. Looks like it has some curving along the edges unless thats just my eyes playing tricks on me