400 Hillsborough Tower

It is gonna be a big building.


Working on level 17


I see two broken windows

I count 27 stories. Or 22. Maybe 4.

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You is a mess an deal with hey quick question do you the number to home inspection

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Community Potpourri

17 covered floors so only 2 more floors to go :(.


Looks best from the boylan bridge



A new big-city angle, word to @Yimbyforlife


That’s a sexy angle can’t wait to get my drone…

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Sexy big city anglecant wait to get my drone!!!



This angle needs improvement.

+the roof parapet! I consider it essentially 3 more stories to go, as that’s how it’ll look from this angle!

I wonder how RUSBus and Reynolds will affect this view?

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Ironically, RUSbus may only barely peek out above 400H from that Capital Blvd angle, because I think it’d be located directly behind it from here.

The potential-future Reynolds site would most definitely fill in that gap between Quorum Center and the future Kinley (Kinsley? I forget) hotel!

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Yeah, I am not terribly hopeful about RUSBus from that vantage.
The hotel is Kimpton. You were close!
Won’t a potential Reynold’s project actually block 400H? It will actually be a stack of buildings that all align from that vantage point: SH3>Reynolds>400H>RUSBus. If SH3 gets built, we won’t see any of them in the distance, but that’s a sacrifice that I’m willing to make.

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I don’t think so, because the current Reynolds building is basically a block south of Quorum center, so it’d be to the Left of 400H from this Capital Blvd angle, if my geography is correct (@Spero I hope to have lifted you out of your hypothetical dark place if you were hypothetically a geography teacher!)

On Google Maps, I drew a line from a presumed location on Capital to RUSBus and they all seem to basically align. I suppose that the view will morph as you travel from the Wade Ave overpass to the Peace St. exit on Capital?