Bloc 83 - One Glenwood and Origin Hotel

I have no details beyond being told it’s currently vacant and will be moved at some point.

In this area specifically, the protective baffles for the storm drains just sat in the lot next to One Glenwood until about a week ago. So a lot of that snow has washed into the waterways with the heavy rains we had before they were put in place on the drains. Can’t be good for the aquatic life downstream.


It’s horrible to think of wildlife ingesting those Styrofoam balls way downstream. The practice of sanding those panels in place to shape them has to change to prevent the pollution and damage to the environment.


100% agree with you. And would also like more info. And I’ll be at the event. I’ll be the guy taking hundreds of iphone pics and getting angrier as I drink more. J/k. But if any friends or foes would like to say hi, I am actually very nice. I think.

I’ll be there getting happier at the removal of an ugly old building :grin: (kidding, but if you recognize me I’ll come say hi)

Support having this moved so it can be saved and I’ll support a 60 story building anywhere you want (my backyard is off limits naturally)

Fun night. Real house party vibes.
Interesting building with high ceilings, tall windows and good, old wooden floors. It’s nice that it will be saved.

Plus there’s a garage space in the rear that doesn’t really tie in with the rest of the building. They had a band in there tonight.


Nice shot - I’m the drummer in the Lakers hat! Incredible event all around, in quite an incredible house. Even more amazing is that the house was COMPLETELY empty when I started setting up my pop-up (the zine/book shop + art gallery room upstairs) on Saturday morning.


It was a really good time! Doesn’t look great on the outside but inside it’s very cool. Definitely wasn’t expecting that area where the band was playing…


Sweet show dude. I was there enjoying it and have a ton of similar pics. At least a half dozen people told me they thought they heard it was being moved/saved too (going to try and nail down that info). I’d be thrilled with that outcome and totally understand Hillsborough needing more retail even if in the bottom of a parking deck. It is a huge and very heavy house and is most likely staying on the west side of the RR tracks because it’d take a track anchored over the bridge to move it (very expensive). Nonetheless, assuming it is indeed going to be saved, I wonder where its going to go as there are not a ton of options (that was the big problem with Maiden Lane and even back to Jackpot’s demise) is there are few available lots.


Just got a note about a preview party at the new Dram and Draught on Monday. Sounds like they are close. Demolition later this Summer then?


This is very exciting. Now I have to work on getting an invite to that!

I was talking to Ian the other day and he was saying they want to do a demo party across the street. I doubt it’ll be an “official” thing but if you’re in the know. I’m hoping to be in the know. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds like it’s more of a walkthrough actually, planning to open late July.

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We hung out a little at the Ancillary Beer event, and we’re Instagram friends lol. Maybe I can beg an invite. Or just wait till it opens for real. I’m mostly just excited about Two Glenwood going up eventually


Current view from Glenwood Ave


Great picture! Thank you!
The trick will be in keeping this place from looking old and dirty too quick due to its color scheme and building materials…but most new places look nice, when they are new…Lol


Looks like a Soviet housing project right now. Hope the details shine it up a bit.


One Glenwood lit up for July 4th!


I’ve actually seen Soviet housing projects and it’s not THAT bad. :wink: