City of Raleigh Flag


The bull is the de facto mascot for Durham like the squirrel can be for Raleigh.





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Hello DTRaleigh community! We thought those following this thread might like an update on the New Raleigh Flag project. Here’s the latest:

Over the last few months we’ve conducted “test marketing” by handing out mini flags and speaking with lots of residents and business owners. Reception of the new flag concept has been extremely positive. Encouraged by this feedback, we’re about to move beyond our current low-key word-of-mouth campaign and adopt a more assertive public relations posture.

At the end of this month you’ll see a story about the flag campaign in a local magazine. This should be the start of a sustained media initiative. You’ll also begin to see flags appear at businesses around town. And we’ll be ramping up our networking and social media activity.

While our ultimate goal is to have the flag officially adopted by the city, we’re initially working to drive social adoption. Social adoption requires engagement. Folks like you will determine whether it succeeds.

If you support the mission, you can help in a few ways:

  1. Tell people. Encourage friends and neighbors to visit our website and become familiar with the movement.

  2. Are you the owner of a public-facing business in Raleigh? Or know someone who is? Consider flying a flag at your business, or asking your business-owning friends to do the same. Don’t have a flag pole? No worries. We have flags of different sizes that can be hung on walls or from rafters. E-mail or DM us and we’ll hook you up.

  3. Become a mini-flag handout volunteer. Contact us for details.

  4. Follow us on social media to stay connected with the movement. Instagram will be our most active platform going forward. Our handle is @newraleighflag.

Finally, if you have ideas or would like to help the campaign in other ways, contact us! This is a community issue. We’re ready to grow and broaden our efforts.

Thanks for your support!

New Raleigh Flag Team


I think it would be cool to have some minis at apartment complex leasing offices, maybe when as a welcome gift for new residents!


Would love a high quality garden flag like this.


Flag Designs at the Raleigh flea market sells them!


I’ll be grabbing one this week then!

Article from the Washington Post about the new flag on Utah and the movement towards better designed flags.


Raleigh if city based in the Southern Cone region (South America).


The story is up:

Raleigh Mag story


Not about the City of Raleigh flag, but this state flag video seems applicable here. CGP Grey dropped it today. Raleigh does get a shoutout (not for our flag) in the NC review part.



I watched that video earlier today. NC definitely got a pass based on his objective criteria.
I couldn’t agree more with New Mexico. That’s an epic flag in my opinion.


I hate that the NC flag is basically the same as Texas, which I believe came first.

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Yeah that is mentioned in the video. Also not great having the date and abbreviation. Think we got brownie points because he likes NC (I believe his parents live here).

Yeah… it’s Texas but unoriginal and not as good. The Civil War one was more unique, but obviously needed to be changed. Pretty much stuck with this one now.

A shame when bordering us, South Carolina has gorgeous flag, and Tennessee’s is really strong as well.


Virginia’s is awesome in my opinion.

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I love it when you look closely at it, too! I’m only knocking it because it fades into the sea of blue regimental flags from a distance.

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