Downtown South development

Or…pass UDO text change forbidding SFH for teardown redevelopment in Fuller Heights. Gentle upzone and increase in intensity to help expand urban core.


Yeah I’m sick of seeing SFH torn down near DT and replaced with just larger SFH. If you’re gonna tear it down so close to downtown I’d rather see triplexes or small infill apartment complexes.


watching the city council meeting. each side gets 60 minutes to speak but the Developers speech counts in that time.

Based on the pace of the Kane “business partners” speeches; if you are number 157 of the proponents who hope to speak tonight; I think its safe to say you will not get your 15 seconds of fame this evening.


I’m watching this too UncleJesse ! " Go Downtown South " ! Thanks Leo for this set-up !


Strong speech by LeVelle Moton of Raleigh Raised in favor


Yes it is ! LeVelle is Spot On ! Great Job !

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Omg. LeVelle Moton just hit some feels with his testimony!!!


I have lost all sound ! Has anyone else ? My desktop is buffering !

I’m good now !!! :+1::+1::+1:

I lost it too. tried to find RTN on AT&T Uverse but gave up.

How did the speeches after end?

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There is a backup youtube stream:

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I lost some of the speakers but I did hear most of LeVelle 's comments & he did Outstanding . All the speakers that support DTS has done good .

good ol’ NIMBY Stef Mendell weighed in. Good grief.
The bulk of opposition seem speaking sound like angry middle age white ladies who want to “save” helpless people. :roll_eyes:
I never much cared for Mayor Nancy till she pushed back on her employment at Barnhill being an issue. (Said as long as she’s working for them in biz dev, that her employer would not be involved.)
For the people who demanded drug stores be built and that Raleigh should spend money on hunger instead, I was just like WTF, people do you even understand business? Rhetorical question. Obviously not, and obviously uninformed.
“rich people”
“may God have mercy on your soul if you vote for this”
“over policing”
these are Insane comments.


I agree with @HardeesBiscuit these people are saying the same line, over and over again, and they love to repeatedly attack the mayor with the repeated lines like Donald Trump!!! She has openly said her company is not associated with this, and there’s proof!!! And there already been gentrification in the city and in this area. Two I don’t know how white people get to decide what works for black people or not let the black folks decide, I heard a lot of what about black businesses, black neighborhoods, what about black people maybe they don’t care how about yo go into that. This is coming from a Black Man!!!


“The bulk of opposition seem speaking sound like angry middle age white ladies who want to “save” helpless people.”

Wow, bro - not afraid to misogyny - just right out there in the open.

I don’t know which Council meeting you’re listening to, but it’s a pretty broad coalition of opponents. I don’t hear anyone who’s wholly against it, but rather don’t want to see it rammed through in the midst of a pandemic with virtually zero conditions - and would rather see a thoughtful PD process like any other major development project.

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A development of this size should be submitted as a Planned Development. An entitlement of this size does little to protect Raleigh or its residents. I’m appalled by many of the comments here that disregard equity and choose to prioritize money and entertainment over a discussion about how we can ensure the development does not continue to harm the vulnerable.

This is a tremendous opportunity for the City of Raleigh. Time should be taken time to get it right and be the great place we say we are and not a copy of other cities that have become even more segregated while diminising opportunites.


why do you need “conditions”…period? The tax value alone created by this project could feed a lot of homeless people. We aren’t even talking about the sales & hospitality tax revenue created.

The opponents are FOS…basically trying to shakedown Kane/Malik with a bunch of nonsensical “asks” that not only misunderstand what actually has to occur real estate wise but seem to lack any basic understanding of how business works.


LOL - the cognitive dissonance regarding a project that will significantly impact historically underserved communities with zero consideration - all for a set of shiny keys coated in shitty EIFS - is really a sight to behold.

Come on all. Do I have to hit the switch again? Do we think we’ll get a vote tonight?

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We might Leo ! We might Leo ! Need 20 letters !