Downtown South development

That got to be the dumbest crap I heard all day

I was thinking about the age groups of NIMBYs who complain about new developments because “iTs NoT wHy We LiVe HeRe”.

…but I could’ve worded that better. My bad; I fixed my post to be less offensive :sweat_smile:
(but my distaste for disingenuous NIMBYs who complain in bad faith is still intended)

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There like Republicans this is there way of filibustering great projects!!!

I am a republican & I am 100% in support of DTSouth . I support whatever it takes to get this project done .


I just needed a good Nimby reference no offense to Republicans. I’m unaffiliated Independent btw…

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I took it in the good humor I know you intended!


City council approved some measures for this today. Those in the know may want to explain.


You mean this discussion from this afternoon?

Way ahead of ya! I wrote a summary of uploaded agenda materials yesterday.

Basically, the stakeholders of Downtown South (Kane, nearby residents, greenway users, OneWake etc.) are all asking for things that require some new rules and processes that do not exist in the City yet. Raleigh must create those rules before they can come into play; today’s vote started that.

Here's some timestamps to specific comments and questions.

David Cox on worries about losing tax revenue
Why have TIFs/TIGs not been used in Raleigh before?
Could Kane abuse TIG money and spend it outside of DTS?
Why do NC cities never pursue TIFs?
Mayor Pro Tempore Corey Branch on community engagement

The Council authorized staff on all three “next steps”. David Cox and Stormie Forte opposed the motion, but it passed anyways. Cox’s anti-tax stance sounded par for the course, but Forte voted “nay” without saying a word. Not sure what’s up there…


Forte could be a Nimby, she a suspected NIMBY, she was even against the affordable housing bond!!! Her little fill-in term won’t be for long!!!

What was her reason for being against the bond? Do you know?
Also, as someone who lives in her district, I contacted her about the overgrown sidewalk on Dawson (in her district) and she completely ignored my email. I can’t say that I’m impressed so far.

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She thought it was a developers game…

Her platform rests on affordable housing and supporting local and minority-owned businesses. Mediating between Kane and activists to write a CBA and a developer’s agreement is the obvious and sure-fire way to make both of her pet causes happen in a successful Downtown South.

Hell, the Indy published an extensive editorial last summer saying they didn’t like Forte because she was not very NIMBY.

Forte was chosen specifically because of her community-driven but pro-development views. Put two and 2 together, and it means she literally voted against her own interests…???


Oh wow that’s funny!!!

New N&O article on Downtown South. Anyone still willing to pay for that rag who can summarize?

Open it with Incognito or private mode in your browser.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Our local News outlets

This article is subscription only. Highlights:

  1. Raleigh planning commission virtual meeting today at 4PM. You can watch the meeting or sign up to speak at
  2. The convoluted financing schemes sound like the major topic of today’s meeting. Once past the commission, it goes to the city council. I can’t say that I fully understand how all of this works, and what the city gets out of it from an affordable housing perspective, etc. Like I said, it’s convoluted.
  3. The N&O reached out to Bonner Gaylord to question why rezoning must be approved by the end of the calendar year, and what would happen to the project if it’s not. Gaylord didn’t reply.
  4. The article harkens back to Kane’s attempt to obtain 75M in TIF money in 2006 for North Hills, and how that project happened without them getting it.
  5. Meeker stands by his opposition to using TIF money for NH and how that was a good decision. He weighs in with the same stance for DTS.
  6. Kane wants a TIG (tax increment grant) this time, which require that the upfront costs are paid for by the developer, not through a bond. The developer then pays the increased taxes on the developed land, but gets some/all of that back.
  7. Charlotte has used TIG 15 times since 2004.

Kane sells The Dillon for $236m

Let’s go DoSo


Yeah give the guy that actually gets stuff done a bunch of s—t. Yeah, let’s target his firm since they are the only one building substance, if he does not like it we can run him out of town. Sounds like a great plan.


Are you saying that I am giving him shit, or that the N&O is giving him shit? I was simply trying to summarize the article from those who asked about it.