Downtown South development

Please understand that the stadium is VERY MUCH part of the early phase…BUT it is also a massive mixed use project that will create exponentially more jobs and tax base than the stadium.

Politics are why you see the strategy that is currently being employed by Malik/Kane…fortunately or unfortunately.


Well can you at least agree MLS is dead here in Raleigh!!! But we can still get MLB if Malik/Kane is interested with a billionaire to help upgrade the stadium to a baseball field we needed for that phase when that time comes!!!

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I can also promise you that MLS & an MLS-ready stadium is NOT dead. Malik knows better than to run around shooting off at the mouth about his desire for an MLS franchise now…but i can promise you that plan is still very much alive.

you baseball people need to find another hobby. You have NO potential owner whatsoever, no realistic prospect for an owner; which means no prospect for any kind of stadium; we are a mid-size market competing with several other cities that are considerably larger (not charlotte usa) that do have these very important assets…

I would love an MLB, NFL, NBA, Formula One, Rugby, Cricket, and any other sports team we could land…i am just realistic as to which ones we actually have a chance at…


It was insensitive, and it sounded that way too. I disagree with the funding conditions on development, but that’s because the data shows gentrification needs financing as well as less restrictive rules on development. You know, supply and demand. Leave this “poor people are grubby burdens” stuff for the OAN comment section, Ebenezer.

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Lighten up guy, the dude was making a point, not in the best way best way, no one is perfect, even you, leave that stuff to MSNBC.


I’m putting a hold on this topic as I feel it’s going in the wrong direction. DM me if you disagree but let’s pick this up on Tuesday morning.


This topic was automatically opened after 32 hours.

This was like the circuit breaker for the stock market. I don’t even recall what we were talking about.


New moderating tactic I was trying. Seems to work! :slight_smile:


I’m sorry but @Yimbyforlife’s comment is hilarious :joy: MLS is dead but MLB is not, what are you smoking?

Wait what?? :hushed: that’s my school

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Wonder how OneWake will try to shoot this effort down now? Anyone want to take bets as to whether they will still try?

Kane/Malik should add the Holt Brothers Company as well. Help them get rich so they can get Raleigh an NFL franchise!!!

(This coming from a Carolina guy)


I think this was One Wake’s plan lol and it worked so I’m happy. NFL?? I don’t think there’s a chance for that right now I’d stick with the MLS for now.

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The planning commission is currently discussing the case. You can find links for the live on:


Hey Vic , I’m @ a location where I can’t watch this meeting . Are you able to post the meeting results later ? Thanks !

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I would just say that the RRD involvement here is something that better aligns minority inclusion.
It’s a great step.


I am friends with Levelle and Terrell they have very deep ties to the area and get a lot of respect, I can tell you this you will still have some push back but the truth is alot of the detractors you see in the media and naysayers are not from Raleigh meaning raised here so when they start there verbal attack or propaganda campaign the community will side with Levelle, Clarence and Terrell these are Solid guys, and southeast Raleigh Icons they have very strong roots here in Raleigh and will do the right thing.


I listened for a bit, couldn’t make it to the end - Certainly more speaking against than for and the PC seems to be leaning towards NOT approving the rezoning based on it’s lack of addressing the comprehensive plan and based on the socio-economic upheaval likely with the development.
The push to ‘rush’ the rezoning affected the outcome here in the short term and to move it forward, much more community engagement (and compromise) will be necessary…

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