Fayetteville Street Developments and Vitality

I found this link regarding what is underway at Kimbrell’s (WT Grant) and Boylan Pearce. Has this already been posted here?


Faye is waking up for the new year!


Any idea how this is going to expressed on the exterior of there old Kimbrell’s? They surely can’t be keeping that facade!

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I am pretty sure that is the original facade of the building, as it was built in 1954 - there isn’t some ornate 1920s era terra cotta cladding, or intricate 19th century masonry hiding behind it. If this a historic tax credit project, I am pretty sure they can’t alter it much.


Oh, that’s interesting. I was expecting to hear that this was like other buildings that were clad-over with a modern facade in the 50s and 60s.


Yeah same. I propose some really cool mural on the exterior because currently it sucks.


Maybe a couple more, uh, windows would be nice too LOL


Dare they not break up that marvelous monolith with more dastardly glass!


I think that’s right but I’d hope they would at least be able to install some skylights in the 2nd story. Those 3 little peepholes on the east side would make for a really depressing office space


NC Sugar Rush! Check it out on Fayetteville St!

Vendor registration for NC Sugar Rush goes LIVE TOMORROW! C

We’re expanding and taking over TWO blocks from

City Plaza to Martin Street in Downtown Raleigh—more vendors, more entertainment, and more fun! S

PLUS, we’re teaming up with Black Farmers Market to make this ALL-DESSERT event even more unforgettable!

Register tomorrow February 1st at www.ncsugarrush.com


Has anyone seen this from the City of Raleigh?

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lol a 1 year study period to investigate the findings of an investigative report and then another 10-12 months to decide on the course of actions resulting from that new study. Most Raleigh shit ever. You’re not building the atom bomb you’re replacing the benches for Christ sake, just do it already


Seriously though. Why can’t we just go ahead with something


It’s a great fallacy and hubris to believe authorities can plan things out for the public better than the public can self organize into an optimal use of space

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Whatever works. Just wanna see some unified, coordinated plan

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Whatever you say Ayn Rand, I really just want them to shit or get off the pot


Nice! I sent Dylan an email and he mentioned he was planning on having something up for the streetscape plan in January. And not with a second to spare!

Looks like we’ll know what the final plan is in Fall. I’m a bit confused as to what the ‘Streetscape Plan Adoption’ means in the timeline (Winter 2026). Is that when the implementation of the plan is projected to complete, or begin?

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It’s funny, we have to study every project and create “novel” ideas with community input, as if there isn’t a whole history of civilization to borrow from


Agreed. Why not just think about what you would like it to look like and then draw from those ideas from those places?


I don’t think the ‘Public Outreach’ necessarily means community input. It could just mean that they’re informing the public of the plans they’re going to do so that businesses and residents are prepared for what’s going to happen.

I’m happy to provide input, but a group outreach session is definitely not the place for that.