Glenwood South Mixed Use Building

That’s why I bought facing west. At least I know that there will always be a street separating me from the next building.


You had to go there…

Sorry. I checked zoning before I bought that can always change too.

That brings back memories of the “disagreement” of how tall the 301/Pendo building should be by it’s neighbors… :crazy_face:

Why have the residential face Glenwood, Smoky Hollow, etc. when you could have it face that old person tenement and have Glenwood get semi-screened parking decks? You’d think in 16 years they could’ve come up with a better idea LOL. Whatever, it’s not like I’m going to live there, and I’m happy to see more height, more density, and Cornerstone going away. :+1:


I like the structure itself, but maybe a different configuration of residential/office/parking could be changed; maybe parking in the back, office where the parking currently is, and residential on top IMO.


buh-bye cornerstone!!!

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Weird ass massing, but I love that they seemingly have retail wrapping the entire ground floor, even to the back facing the Paramount


I’d also think that after waiting SIXTEEN YEARS, they’d have gone for more height/square footage…


Before we get too excited about cornerstone’s demise, rumor has it they negotiated the rights to a rooftop bar into their sale.


WHY IS THIS NOT FLIPPED 180° SO PARKING IS ON BACKSIDE? Are they trying to upset people?


I’m guessing that Glenwood is so loud they don’t want to face residential towards it. I’ve heard the Hampton Inn is LOUD at night.


pretty sure that dude doesn’t own the buildings…but he did probably have long term leases. If that crowd shows up at a rooftop bar…the hellraising from surrounding hotels & the Paramount will end them quickly.

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Would be good/decent if they would have incorporate some retail into the parking as they’ve done On S Wilmington

What’s the hate about Cornerstone about? I’ve never been but it seemed like a neat little place.

Edited and then removed Edit


Isn’t that exactly what those site plans and massings show? Retail at ground floor fronting Glenwood?

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I’d honestly probably go to that (at least once) just for the views. But I can’t imagine anyone in the neighborhood being happy with that. Lol!


Nothing short of a complete halt in development nearby will satisfy opinions.


You’re correct. I edited my post. I just now saw where it says Glenwood Ave.

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As a long term condo owner downtown, I know two things to be true from experience. 1) Mine and my neighbors’ input and community comments during the creation of the UDO had zero impact to the UDO mapping around our property. 2) It all didn’t matter anyway because nearly every rezoning request is going to be approved anyway.
In addition to buying facing Boylan for aforementioned reasons, I have always advised my HOA board to work with developers of adjacent properties instead of just saying no, because I think it shows good faith and gives you a stronger voice than just being a NIMBY. Let’s see how this plays out. Also, it appears that there’s still one undeveloped parcel between the Paramount and this mixed use project, and it’s up against our east side off of Johnson. I wonder what’s going to happen with that?


Is 612 or 610 remaining undeveloped as part of this project…?