ITB New Home Builds

Five Points: 1608 Carson St to be subdivided into 3 lots. Currently a 4-plex.

For what its worth, I had sent the owner this idea a bit ago for a 9-unit building there…


As a very close neighbor to this, I’m very glad they didn’t take you up on your design :slight_smile:

Any ideas on the timeline for the construction? Where did you find these plans?

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(Density is key to reducing the housing shortage. Instead, they’re taking a 4-plex house and dividing it up into 3 lots which will more than likely result in 3 single-family homes. 3 is less than 4, for those wondering :upside_down_face:)


Well not really, the home before was originally a single family home that was converted into a 4-plex. It would have at maximum 2 rooms per unit, or 8 total. It’s more than likely most were 1 bedroom, but let’s assume the larger number of 2 per unit. The new homes built here will be at minimum 4 bedroom, with some possibly 5, with roughly 3-4 new residents per home, which includes both parents and kids. It’s an increase in residents either way you look at it.


Hey neighbor! I’m a block away. But yea, I understand the reaction - its not something you see alot in Raleigh so might be a stretch in the midst of the neighborhood. Honestly, would fit better along Glenwood or Whitaker Mill.



Fair enough - but @mike was simply pointing out that even more residents could’ve been added here.


Ah that’s nice. Pity it didn’t pan out. Reminds me of smaller Northeastern cities, or to a lesser degree Glenwood-Brooklyn here in Raleigh in the mix of building types.

That area is one R-10 anyway so this would require rezoning.

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haha, no no, I’d love to see more density. I just think that particular building in the image is pretty ugly :face_with_peeking_eye:. It just feels like something that should be downtown, surrounded by other buildings. I would kill for some ground floor retail on my block though! Especially a sandwich shop…this area is DESPERATELY in need.


There is a doughnut shop a few blocks away, that’s a start… But i agree, it needs more retail. The senior living facility in front of high Park is definitely a missed opportunity.

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And how many millions for each new house? 1? 2? more?

Average new home construction cost in Raleigh is ~$450k and the land is assessed at ~$400, so, given the location, yeah, I’d assume $1M is a fair guess.

114 Summit is under contract. Let’s see what final price is in couple weeks.

TBJ just posted an article with this development. Says they will be 2,700sqft and starting mid $600,000s


1st of 2 new homes. Prices keep surprising me.

See what I found on #Zillow!


I think that the rooftop is about the only thing that really excites me about this house. The rest is meh…especially for that price.


Yep. If it’s like the one sold on Fayetteville st, lights, fixtures etc are from Home Depot or Lowe’s. Not high end. In my pedestrian opinion.

Whoops I should be talking this up I live nearby. Lol.

This sorta fits here - I was up in R’wood for a quick weekend visit, and there are shoehorning a street of town homes up above Crabtree on some of the old horse farm property along Blue Ridge. (Not ITB, but JOTB, lol) My sister had called about prices/purchasing, and they are not for sale. Apparently someone/group is looking at buying all of them. I am guessing they want to buy and then rent them. I found this both interesting, but also mildly alarming as this takes even more stock out of the purchase market. I thought this was interesting, and this bunch is probably the only folks I know that would too. (and Lynwood Brewing Concern/Wilsons was a fantastic way to spend an afternoon)


1712 Carson Street is currently being demolished. I found permits for the demolition, but don’t see anything proposed for whatever is going to replace it.

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A SFH? Gonna guess they’re replacing it with… an even bigger, more expensive SFH :face_with_spiral_eyes: :unamused: