Lincoln Theater-Pope House block



Not sure what for yet, but Terracon was out collecting soil samples on the SE corner parking lot of this block earlier this week. Leaking down the storm drain. :grumpy_cat:


Rezoning to 20 floors in the pipeline for the southern half(ish) of this block…


Cool, it’s a start… but why the hell not just start with a 40 story rezone? Seems like wasted potential to only plan for 20 story max literally a block away from the CBD main street


Agreed. One block off Fayetteville, go to 40.


If the real estate is prime enough, then the proforma will afford structurally bridging over the historic 1940s theater that has been and continues to be the heart and soul of local/regional music in Raleigh for the last 40 years. You may not like it, but many many love it. Obviously neither you nor I have the power to buy to demo, or preserve it, but the Lincoln should stand as a bastion of olde Raleigh, and center of regional club touring bands. Here’s a pic of some of my best buds playing their first big stage gig earlier this year. They made $3k that night off their first ticketed event ever. My other good friend and local artist designed the playbill, which now hangs proudly in frames as a future story for their children. This is just one night of thousands at the Lincoln, several of which I’ve been lucky enough to be on that stage. No sterile office building or bland cookie cutter apartment building could ever justify itself on that parcel. And I’ll be on that stage the night after Thanksgiving for a celebration of The Band’s Last Waltz, so come on down :sunglasses:

Edit: thanks for the cookie


OK I replied to a comment on another thread you made in kind, but now I’m wondering WTF you’re doing on this site… This reads like a 13 year old wrote it.

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Starting to think it’s a straw man burner account. They overplayed their hand either way


Like a lot of cities, Raleigh has experienced a huge blow to live music since the pandemic started. There’s a lot of great music history in this town, including that hall. When it comes down, it won’t come back – ask The Maywood or Sadlack’s. We should be fighting like hell to preserve culturally significant aspects of DTR where it makes sense to do so. @evan.j.bost’s post really exemplifies it best.


Sorry all. They’ve been banned. If you’re alright with it, I’d prefer to delete the posts and your replies so we can just move on.


Thanks for addressing @dtraleigh. No need to apologize. Its seems we had been invaded by a troll looking for a NIMBY fight


New 20-story rezoning downtown, a NY developer plans a mixed used tower.

New York-based Tidal Real Estate Partners, LP is gearing up to file a rezoning request to allow up to 20 stories of development on a collection of parcels at the corner of South Wilmington and East Lenoir streets.

“We plan to build a mixed-use development anchored by a residential component and including commercial uses and parking,” Eyal Einik,principal with Tidal Real Estate Partners, said in an email. “We believe that downtown Raleigh is one of the most dynamic urban centers in the Southeast, and the walkable nature of this site is well suited to a residential project. "

Einik said they hope to begin construction in late 2022.

The property is situated on about 1.5 acres at 108 and 112 Stronachs Alley and 521 and 529 S. Wilmington St. and currently features surface parking next to Charter Square. The land is currently owned by a collection of families and companies.

The developer plans to hold a virtual neighborhood meeting regarding the proposed rezoning on Nov. 3 at 5 p.m. Morningstar Partner Mack Paul is representing Tidal Real Estate Partners. Architecture firm LS3P, with offices in Raleigh, is handling architecture and design.


Great news. This is one of the ugliest bare blocks downtown to me.


A New York developer is joining the flood of companies looking to go tall in downtown Raleigh.

up to 20 stories

Pick one… :unamused: wasted potential of this site, IMO. 40 stories or bust.


Their past projects seem very high-quality and promising!


LS3P designed the Wendell Falls community building and a few things in our sibling-friendly-rival city to the SW. Probably getting something like Vantage or Tryon in this spot.
Nice density upgrade for another blank parking lot. :white_check_mark:


Passing it right now so here’s how that looks for those who don’t know

Better pics than my walking by with dog pics


That’s a big lot to have in Downtown !!! I could see street level retail, with well hidden parking (see PNB) and two 30+ towers on apposing corners rising from asininity level, one office, one residential.


I’m starting to lose track (in a good way) of all the things ‘expecting’ to start in 2022 :building_construction:


Looking at the odd shape of the site… I bet there would be more flexibility if they had the rest of the half block… the holdouts: three narrow lots owned by individuals and then mostly owned by… Empire.